What Constitutes a Netdeck?
General forum
Posted on May 25, 2016, 8:57 p.m. by HairyManBack
I think this is a General Forum topic and not an Online Forum. Apologies if it's misplaced. Anyways...
I'm playing this guy on MTGO in the Standard 'Just for Fun' que (for those who are familiar). My opponent was toting this cool original burn deck. I was playing this hilarious Jeskai artifact deck abusing Ghirapur AEther Grid.
I can't say I've ever seen it online. Let alone it being widely known. But the opponent quit after game 2 because he said, "I don't play netdecks."
Confused, I scratched my head and thought that netdecks were tier 1-2 pro-tourish type decks. Or does a popular abused concept also count as a netdeck?
How popular is a Jeskai Aether Spirit Clue Thopter deck online?..
A netdeck would be considered to be a tier 1-2 deck, such as Modern Jund down to Coralhelm combo, and for standard, Bant Company to UW humans. I have no clue why the guy would think that Ghirapur Jeskai is a netdeck.
May 25, 2016 9:05 p.m.
Derpachus probably because the guy was an asshat who couldn't believe he was losing to a homebrew and needed an excuse to reason why he was losing. So not a very nice person.
May 25, 2016 9:58 p.m.
HairyManBack says... #6
DERPLINGSUPREME - To clarify the opponent was playing Mono-Red Burn. I was playing a Jeskai Ghirapur build. He had something I never seen before. I felt like my build was original, as well. Hence, it was a really odd statement he made that made me think. O.o
But to everyone else thanks for the clarification. Wasn't sure if I was crazy or what.
Decks_On.Acid - Cool article. Not sure why you linked it but he had excellent view points worth looking at.
May 25, 2016 10:14 p.m.
"probably because the guy was an asshat who couldn't believe he was losing to a homebrew and needed an excuse to reason why he was losing. So not a very nice person."
This beat whatever I was going to type up.
May 26, 2016 3:58 a.m.
I'd love to see the deck to find out what was deemed "netdeck-y" about it, but apparently whoever made it doesn't like me, so..... o_o
But what everybody said is pretty much right. A netdeck is a deck that isn't really yours. I don't think constitutes being a meta based tier 1 or 2 deck, but that's how you most easily recognize a netdeck.
Chances are he saw Ghirapur AEther Grid mixed in with artifacts and felt like he was losing to some popular variant of Lantern Lock or something. Maybe he just played a similar deck recently in real life and is super scrub and had no idea that the deck wasn't a Top 8-er and he is just a sore loser.
Regardless of what it is, the best remedy for your situation is to find your next opponent.
May 26, 2016 9:50 a.m.
The word "netdeck" is basically meaningless. Everyone has their own personal definition for it, and everyone assumes that everyone else shares their definition for it.
Equally meaningless are those who use the term disparagingly, as if the fact that someone decided to play a deck confirmed as "good" is insulting somehow.
May 26, 2016 10:43 a.m.
HairyManBack says... #12
What confused me further is he was polite to start the game. He even said he wouldn't play my 'netdeck' in a polite manner. Which, kindness is seemingly rare online. Most people won't even respond if you tell them 'good luck'.
May 26, 2016 10:50 a.m. Edited.
Some people (especially on the internet) will say anything to make them feel better after losing, even it's irrationally untrue.
After sometimes crushing people on Destiny by twice their score, I'll get random messages from people telling me I suck at the game and I should give up on life. The only thing you can do is chuckle, delete it, and hope to crush them again. Letting yourself get absorbed in a sore loser's words will be the end of your human decency.
May 26, 2016 11:58 a.m.
HairyManBack says... #14
zandl - lulz, it always cracks me up when opponents online resort to attacking someone's character. I know exactly what you mean. .
To further shed a light on why I asked this initial question is I want to play fair. If I'm playing a casual setting I'm expecting others to play casual decks. And I would like to expect that of myself. Like old people say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
Netdecks are decklists copied from popular sites that were usually spawned during a grand prix.
what you are doing is simply copying.
also, the way you described this confuses me. did you play a guy and copy his deck? and then he quit b/c you were playing a net decked list? or what?
May 25, 2016 9:03 p.m.