What creature type do you hope to see one day?
General forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2021, 12:16 a.m. by TypicalTimmy
I have been clamoring for years about wanting both Bards and Beholders, and we finally got it.
My next request is Kaiju.
I'd also love to see Paladin officially recognized. Sure you can get close with "Cleric Knight", but I'd rather see Paladin. Since we got Warlock over Wizard, I think Paladin is fair game now.
A lot of people say Witch. I thought we got that in Eldraine? Maybe I remembered wrong.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #3
Warlock is what we got for witches. Somewhat weird decision, but it works.
I have a big heart for weird types. I really hope for actual support for Mole and Hyena, both of which have ~2 cards currently. Mouse is another type to hopefully be expanded. There're Canyon Jerboa and Enchanted Carriage.
I'm really excited for the new Kamigawa. More snakes, more ninha, more rats.
Oh, and I finally want an Elder Turtle. Do it, you cowards! ;)
September 26, 2021 3:35 a.m.
I'd like to see the Nuckelavee creature type. (Not to be confused with the card Nucklavee - totally different concept.) A Nuckelavee comes from Scottish folklore of a horse and man that have been fused together as one creature. Lone Rider Flip's flipside is an excellent example of one which is probably what it pays homage too.
I get the feeling it leans a bit too much into the specter creature type, but there's nothing saying this creature type has to be black as it would be interesting to see it portrayed in a different color with its own unique slew of mechanics. Perhaps in white-green would be seriously interesting.
Oh and perhaps could we have a "Trap" or "Snare" or "Ambuscade" creature type? I'd like to see some more non-sentient creature types like Wall and I think cards that function as some sort of trap/snare would be great whether they be pitfall traps or trip-snares or magic-based traps that teleport you into oblivion or shrink you to really tiny size. I'd like to see more objects get creature typings.
September 26, 2021 2:24 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #5
I really like the effort and space to work with when it comes to things like what was mentioned earlier (cleric knight or fish wizard) so I would like to have the new creature types be made with that in mind. At some point we should be able to focus more on a (mostly) fixed set; “is this more of a warrior or berserker?” And “is this a fish, or is it more of a serpent?”
September 26, 2021 3:42 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #6
More specific to the original question: I feel like “beast” is a pretty big nut to crack... can we maybe split that into two or four?
September 26, 2021 3:44 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #7
FormOverFunction BALOTHS
I've also been demanding Baloths for years now also!! Unfortunately Baloths (from my understanding) only exist on Zendikar. But!! My friend, there is an easy solution!!
Garruk can have been summoning Baloths to other planes, slowly introducing them to the likes of Ravnica, Ixalan, Theros, Dominaria, Ikoria and Kaldheim. Maybe even Alara! :D If we do that, we could have Baloth as an official subtype.
September 26, 2021 5:40 p.m. Edited.
I would like to see better griffins. They always seem to be like an after thought common in most sets.
September 27, 2021 7:45 a.m.
High end arch(devil) that is actually identity. I get it, we have Asmodeus the Archfiend who is finally a high-end devil... but he is not red.
September 27, 2021 7:51 a.m.
I just randomly had this thought, and it's an artifact type instead of a creature type, but Book. I have no idea what a Book deck would do or look like, but there's a lot of literature-themed cards, and it seems like something a set archetype could be built around. Book tokens, Book interactions, Codie, Vociferous Codex theme commander, etc.
September 27, 2021 11:08 p.m.
PirateCptAstera says... #13
I'd really love to see creature embodiments of planeswalker sparks that aren't the planeswalkers themselves
Could make them enchantment creatures with a devotion-like mechanic where instead of devotion to a colour, you have devotion to certain abilities (haste, vigilance, lifelink, etc.) I think it would make for some interesting deck interaction
Homelessguy says... #2
If the eldrazi ever invade Theros.
Eldrazi God.
September 26, 2021 3:04 a.m.