What do you do while sorting your cards?
General forum
Posted on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:18 a.m. by Argy
If you like to sort your cards (I do, as it makes it easier to find the one I want), do you listen to anything or watch anything?
In the past I used to listen to music, including some musicals, but these days I like to listen to Big Finish stories.
cireretals says... #3
It varies for me, sometimes its music, I might find a full live concert to listen to or put on lofi or something similar. Lately I found a channel that does compilations of acoustic covers of songs. Some times its a show or movie, or if my girlfriend is helping me I might just talk to her about various things.
February 15, 2021 10:42 a.m.
FormOverFunction says... #4
This might set some of you off, but I only sort my cards by color. WUBRG, land, colorless artifacts, and multicolor. This “provides me with the opportunity” to go through all my blue cards, for example, when I’m looking for that Volcanic Eruption . While going through those cards, random other cards trigger weird little tangential thoughts about new themes and concepts for future garbage decks ;p It makes retrieving a card a much bigger excursion, but it keeps me connected to all those delectable little orphan cards that teeter on the brink of oblivion in our minds. Not for everyone, but I love it.
February 15, 2021 11:30 a.m.
FormOverFunction says... #5
Sorry - I meant to include: I don’t listen to anything while doing this, as my brain is usually already struggling with Magic Mindflood. YMMV.
February 15, 2021 11:32 a.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #6
I like to listen to music while sorting/building decks. Usually stick with the older 90’s hip-hop, the new stuff gets me way too hype for sorting cards.
February 15, 2021 12:29 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #7
I listen to podcasts, unless I'm only sorting to specifically find a card--then I just frantically keep my entire conscious self on the lookout for it.
My current collection of cards is quite (haha, fun with alliteration) small, it only fills about three fat-pack boxes, but I still have managed to keep it in utter disarray. Because I'm impressive like that
February 15, 2021 12:40 p.m.
I keep T/O up on a monitor when sorting in case I get a deck idea from the cards I am looking at or find something to slot into a deck I already have. On the other monitor I will watch mtg/random stuff videos on youtube. Anything I dont need to follow too closely.
February 15, 2021 6 p.m.
What magwaaf said is where squid tribal came from.
psionictemplar says... #2
I listen to a lot of podcasts.
February 15, 2021 10:20 a.m.