What inspires you to comment on a deck?
General forum
Posted on April 25, 2020, 6:01 p.m. by psionictemplar
One of the things I have always wondered about is what inspires people to not only look, but comment on a deck. Is it originality, being meta, or maybe a preferred type of deck/card that catches you eye? Perhaps it is the poster of the deck? Perhaps it is just wanting to spread information the deck builder may not know.
On the contrary, I also wonder what makes people not want to comment on a deck in the same way. I would guess time is one factor and maybe understanding of a deck another. Perhaps, not having a good suggestion for the deck another.
Regardless, I am curious to hear the communities thoughts.
MindAblaze says... #3
I will usually comment on an edh deck with a commander that I’ve played around with. I don’t play cEDH though, so I usually avoid those lists.
Also, I won’t comment on a deck with too much custom formatting or custom categories. It’s too much for my brain to filter.
April 25, 2020 7:27 p.m.
I like commenting on decks because I like helping people figure out good cards to use. I comment on EDH decks because that's what I'm versed in and people tend to take advice better for those decks. The more upvotes a deck has, though, the less likely I am to leave a comment because they probably already have a very tuned deck and my advice wouldn't be of much service. I target decks I'm familiar with and that haven't gotten commented on.
April 25, 2020 7:28 p.m.
@MindAblaze "I won’t comment on a deck with too much custom formatting or custom categories." <- Yes this.
My apologies psionictemplar, I didn't really play the game correctly
Some decks I look at and get inspired to write like 3-5 paragraphs. I can see the flavor and/or similarities to one of my builds. Other days I just don't have it in me. I'll often have multiple tabs on my phone's chrome with a deck or two I want to look at later. I'll comment another day when I have more time/energy
Some days I'm farming for likes/comments for a new deck I built. I'll give my constructive feedback with a link to my deck in the hopes that they return the favor.
If someone comments on my decks, I try try try to respond in a timely fashion, but I'm not always good at that. At minimum I upvote every deck on that person's profile page
April 25, 2020 7:52 p.m.
Well normally when they are similar to decks I’ve made I’ll check them out and either look at their build for any cool cards that I could use to upgrade my own decks or I’ll suggest helpful cards / interactions.
One of the things that turns me away from commenting on decks though is when they use custom sections for cards. Instead of having the normal division of lands, sorceries, instants, creatures, enchantments, artifacts, planeswalkers they’ll have a bunch listed like card draw, ramp, etc and I’ll often see some of the cards repeated in sections. I know it’s probably easier for them to pick apart the deck like this, but I’m not a huge fan of it.
April 25, 2020 8:56 p.m.
I tend to comment on decks that are similar to decks I have built/played with to give insight on for both praise for giving me a new idea or informing them of something that I did different that worked well.
But I would be a liar to say that funny deck descriptions and titles never got an upvote/comment out of me.
April 25, 2020 9:54 p.m.
I always comment on decks that ask for help, if it's in my area of expertise (Modern). If I have any information that could help, like a card or general pointer or even an entirely different direction they could take the deck, I'll comment about it.
As far as not commenting goes, I won't comment or give advice on EDH decks unless explicitly asked (has happened before, was a struggle to deliver lol). I just don't know enough about the format. The same is true for Vintage and Legacy. I sometimes comment on Pauper or Pioneer decks, but again not my bowl of spaghetti.
The title is pretty important for catching my attention. Like, if I see a title that has "HELP" or that little plus I tend to make a beeline for it. I also like clicking on the gimmicky titles, which I now realize might be a reason why a lot of my brews are gimmicky heheh.
I always upvote Faerie decks (best tribe), and I respect people who try to make jank work so I upvote those too. Budget decks are also muy bueno.
April 25, 2020 11:33 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #9
Reasons to comment:
a Deck I play myself (or a deck similar to one of mine)
an unusual combination of cards or an rarely-seen strategy or a strategy I haven't heard of before
seeing the creator is very enthusiastic about his deck and put a lot of effort into the deck description
Reasons not to comment:
an uninspired deck description
not having ideas
a deck description that is hard to read and/or understand for whatever reason
April 26, 2020 1:10 p.m.
LordBlackblade says... #10
Pretty much going to echo what has already been said. I comment on decks that I feel I can meaningfully contribute to, either having played or played against such a deck before.
If the deck has little/no description, it's not worth my time. I want to see evidence of some effort being put in to warrant me doing the same.
My biggest peeve is custom backgrounds/text colors/excessive coding. If it makes it harder to read than the default scheme, I'm going to immediately leave regardless of any effort put into it.
April 26, 2020 4:54 p.m.
I normally comment on decks/commanders I have actual experience with.
If a deck doesn't have enough of a description and no custom categories to help figure out what the builder was thinking then its way less likely I will comment. Also, when someone says "I need help with my deck" and the list is like 150 cards, yeah sorry thats not a deck yet so there's nothing for me to say.
April 26, 2020 7:10 p.m.
I comment on manabases (and the corresponding mana requirements of a deck) more than anything, because I think that's an area a lot of people kind of overlook, and where just a little bit of advice (and a link to a Frank Karsten article) can make a BIG difference.
I haven't played Commander in a looooong time, but I still love checking out decks that run my old Commanders. There, I'm often asking about how newer cards play (compared to older ones that I'm familiar with), as I haven't had a chance to play with cards fromrecent sets on an actual table.
greyninja says... #2
I upvote every Animar, Soul of Elements deck I find!!!
Honestly if it's an EDH deck in a color scheme I have built, I look to see if it's the same commander as mine or not. 99% chance I'm going to upvote that deck either way
April 25, 2020 6:10 p.m.