What is freakiing PRIMER?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 22, 2024, 11:41 a.m. by Felipix
I really dont know
In the context of Magic the Gathering a "primer" is a guide to a specific deck type.
Zoo for example is very broad and can be generically described as an aggro deck using efficient creatures and burn spells.
That being said a primer explaining zoo doesn't exactly need to be the best/most optimal or competitive deck list but provide examples of how a deck should look to function.
Some primers will highlight key cards and provide options for cards that can serve a similar purpose or good substitutions for different metas or budget allotments.
Some primers can go into more detail proving information about how to pilot the deck how to mulligan ect ect. and how the deck performs in various matchups and metas because a primer typically appeals and is meant for people who are learning the deck and or are interested/uncertain about investing into the deck. And the write up is generally meant to be informative and a general reference to anyone interested.
January 22, 2024 2:54 p.m. Edited.
wallisface says... #4
Just to play devils-advocate.
It’s worth also noting that “primers” are by no means a requirement to deck construction - indeed it is normally the case that the briefest of descriptions is sufficient, and that anything above this is overkill.
More in-depth descriptions can be helpful for decks running very complicated/intricate strategies, often using a bunch of toolbox options that may look suboptimal at first glance.
But you’re almost always going to get a better feel of what the deck is up to by just reading the list itself, unless you’re very-new to the game.
Outside of this site, ”Primers” are written for established competitive decks by experienced/professional magic players, delving into the intricacy of the decks strengths and weaknesses, expected matchups and how to sideboard for each of them. These pieces are incredibly well-informed, though dated to that period-of-time, as the meta will constantly change so will that deck and its sideboard/playstyle.
Crow_Umbra says... #2
Based on the 3rd definition, a primer is a short informative piece of writing. In the context of deck brewing, it is usually used to label deck descriptions that go a bit more in detail regarding things such as:
Personally, I love primers as a means of combining creative writing with the slightly more technical elements of a "how-to" guide. One of my favorite things to do is to occasionally drop hyperlinks to memes or short clips in some of my primers as sort of an "Easter Egg" for anyone that read through.
January 22, 2024 11:55 a.m.