What is the Successor to Duel Decks?
General forum
Posted on Aug. 27, 2019, 7:25 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
The Duel Decks series has ended, so I am wondering what the successor to that series is; Signature Spellbook is the successor to From the Vault (although I feel that it is inferior to its predecessor, since it has only eight cards compared to FtV’s fifteen and only one of them is foil, rather than all of them being foil), so it would only be logical that there would be a successor to Duel Decks.
Global Series: Jiang Yanggu and Mu Yanling seemed to be a logical successor to that series, since it was nearly identical to a duel deck, other than the name, but Gavin Verhey said that that series is unlikely to continue, because the product sold poorly, so, at this moment, it is uncertain if there shall be a true successor to Duel Decks.
What does everyone else say about this? What is the successor to Duel Decks, and, if there currently is none, will there eventually be such a product?
Metachemist says... #3
It's a shame the Global Series decks sold poorly but they were also absolutely terrible to being almost unplayable. If they want products to succeed they need to make them ya know, good. The guild kit decks were a good successor IMO as they were focused, themed, and playable decks that were custom made to be anyone's first battle box. They also had valuable re-prints and were balanced to be played against one another. That's in addition to new artwork and unique basic lands.
That level of thought, care, and quality could make for some truly spectacular decks with new lore and themes from various cultures around the world if they choose to invest such into the Global Decks, but instead the Global Decks were on par if not worse than most Planeswalker decks and didn't even come with any booster packs to boot.
August 27, 2019 8:06 p.m.
Awwwww this is the first I've heard about the discontinuation of duel decks! Granted I haven't seen or bout any in awhile but I really enjoyed the product and got a lot of milage out of the ones I had bought years ago like koth vs venser, golgari vs izzet and elspeth vs kiora... honestly next to deck builder toolkits those were my favorite sealed products.
August 27, 2019 8:44 p.m.
BrandonJamesCAC says... #5
Clash Packs were the best.
Remember that Origins one?
I bought like 15 of those things.
Sold the COCO and Windswept Heaths for like triple profit.
Caerwyn says... #2
I would say the Planeswalker decks are the current spiritual successor to the duel decks. Even though they’re sold individually, they still fill the same role of “mediocre precon designed to teach players the game, while maintaining a consistent power level across the different decks.”
August 27, 2019 7:50 p.m.