What is your favorite deck?
General forum
Posted on May 26, 2016, 4:44 p.m. by mtmlsandman
What is your favorite deck and why? Can be from any format and any set. Also if you have one tell a story that goes along with the deck!
Servo_Token says... #3
My favorite deck of all time has to be Modern Birthing Pod from 2014. I played Angel Pod, which was basically just a beat down deck with an emergency combo in it if it had to end the game at any point, not a dedicated melira style. Then when that got banned, I kind of lost it and since have been trying to find a deck that I truly love playing. I've recently discovered Nic Fit in legacy, which is similar to that old pod feeling, and the Edlrazi decks in modern are also starting to tickle my fancy, but if there's one deck that I could say I loved to play it was Angel Pod.
May 26, 2016 6:21 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #4
I think my favorite deck I've ever brewed was my TurboFogWalkers during DTK standard. I had brewed it with the anticipation of GW Megamorph being a big thing, and it was hilarious when it worked. It utilized Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Garruk, Apex Predator, and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon as win cons and Learn from the Past to reshuffle. Hilarious to play until Atarka Red became 50% of my local meta...
My favorite deck to pilot of all time, though, has to be Mono-U Tron in Modern. While luck can make it a bit frustrating and the infect matchup is horrendous, there's nothing more satisfying than watching the hopeless expression of a person who comes to realize he cannot do anything. The Mindslaver lock is just a brutal way of winning. Epiphany at the Drownyard has given the deck a new strength, too, that is pretty incredible. I've had the most success with the deck out of any deck I've played, and it feels good in my hands. When you get to know a deck so well you can swap cards in and out fluidly week to week, it's a great feeling.
May 26, 2016 10:01 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #5
I absolutely adore my Merfolk deck (A Vial o' Whoop-ass) and I'm very attached to it, but there's a lot of decks I've liked.
I do have fond memories of my W/B warriors from THS/KTK Standard: Off to War!. It's the only deck I've ever taken apart and then rebuilt. Aside from just making combat nightmarish for my opponents, it also created some very fun scenarios.
Opponent: "Wait, Seeker of the Way is a warrior? I thought it was a monk!"
Me: "Nope, it's a 6/6 warrior with lifelink, double strike and protection from black."
Opponent: "... go to game two?"
Or the time I ended a game at 63 life. Or the look on Abzan players' faces when I ripped their sweeper out of their hand and Hero's Downfalled their rhinos before totally blanking the life swing. Or an elf player frantically struggling to block double-strikers with menace (didn't work). Or G/x devotion players trying to actually win matches with me (also didn't work).
Fun times.
I also made a Conspiracy draft deck around Tyrant's Choice. Abzan control (green splash for some fixing and good beaters, and Squirrel Nest for chump blockers) with Grudge Keeper and Double Stroke naming Tyrant's Choice.
"Would you like to lose your board and get beaten to death, or lose a ton of life and hope I don't have more? Actually... it doesn't matter."
One opponent actually killed himself by choosing poorly.
May 29, 2016 2:05 a.m. Edited.
Academy. I haven't been able to get a version of it on paper in years because most of the deck is banned in every format, including its namesake, Tolarian Academy.
June 5, 2016 1:48 a.m.
GreenYawgmoth says... #7
Definitely has to be Ghost Ride the (Sidisi) Whip from theros/khans standard. A ton of midrange synergy that was incredibly resilient. No one ever expected Nighthowler and it was an absolute house, letting me win out of nowhere more times than anyone ever should. There's just something wonderful about swinging for the win with an 18/18 insect token.
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
In casual format, I have 2 favorite decks:
tricky dicky tree
This deck focuses on waiting for the trigger from Triskaidekaphobia, then responding by making your own life total 13 via Tree of Redemption, then handing that life off to an opponent with Soul Conduit or Magus of the Mirror. People who've never played against it before never expect this to happen and their jaw always drops when it does. Very satisfying.
Aggressive Scrying
May 26, 2016 5:07 p.m.