What is Your Opinion of Proxies?
General forum
Posted on Dec. 7, 2022, 8:50 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Some player use proxy cards, unofficial duplicates of official cards, either when they do not wish to spend an exorbitant sum of money on an expensive card that they desire, or when they already own such a card, but do not wish to use it in events.
Thus far, I do not have any proxy cards in any of my decks, because I have not needed them, since I do not use any cards that I cannot afford to purchase; however, I have been contemplating possibly purchasing proxies of certain cards to use in my decks, since it is very unlikely that I shall ever enter any WotC-sanctioned events, as I am not a very competitive player. I obviously would not be so cheap as to use proxies of Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, or the original moxen in my decks, but I see no problem with proxies of Sol Ring, as it is now an inexpensive and ubiquitous card, due to numerous reprints, or the original dual lands, as they are powerful, but not game-breakingly so, and are on the reserved list, so WotC shall never reprint them (at least not in tournament-legal form).
What does everyone else say about this? How do you feel about proxy cards?
DemonDragonJ says... #2
Caerwyn, I promise you that I do not wish to run afoul of any laws or forum rules, but I am very glad to hear that you are on the side of the players, rather than the giant corporations.
February 20, 2023 5:26 p.m.
KenKenrith says... #3
I feel that proxies are good for testing out cards before buying them. There are some cards I've spent a bit of money on that I ended up not liking as much as I thought I would. I wish I would have tried a proxy of those cards before dropping all that money on them.
March 13, 2023 9:29 a.m.
Stardragon says... #4
I have never been opposed to proxies minus the power 9 as there's no reason to pay more than $20 for a card as it is just a peace of cardboard and with the wizards is treating their fans these days i've stopped buying most cards outright and have made pure proxy decks even if it cost $3 to proxy a basic rather than .30 cents I rather give the money to an someone on etsy or some other place than to WotC plus most custom plaes use better cardstock and foiling than wizards does since they aren't cheapskates I've never had a foil proxy warp but like many of use I've had warped foils out of unopened packs. So yes I fully support proxying hell im getting into custom cards for EDH I even have phasing deck with a custom commander and custom devils that aren't just a another sac outlet but a true chaos deck and that boring coin flipping that WotC calls chaos
March 13, 2023 12:32 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #5
WOTC does not participate in the secondary market. Buying single cards does not benefit them in any way. The only way would be to buy packs.
As for your comment about no cardboard should be more than $20 - I disagree. These are collectible items and collectible items typically cost well more than whatever they are made out of.
There are stamps, little stickers you use to mail things, that cost over $500k. That’s just the nature of collectible items.
March 13, 2023 1:49 p.m.
Stardragon says... #6
Daveslab2022 they may notparticipate in the secondary market but they have massive sway over it by not reprinting, they can easily make shockland or fetchlands $4-$5 by reprinting then every few years in core sets not just special set like secret Lairs or limted run sets like masters and yes there collector out there but cards that people play with are not the same as stamps and they should not restricted to people with thousands of dollars to waste every card should be accessible to every player. By worrying about collectable value is how we ended up with the reserve list one the biggest mistakes on WotC part. By purposely limted what cards get reprints limts the amount of people that can use the cards and that's not fair to less well off people.
March 13, 2023 4:09 p.m.
Stardragon says... #7
And by making more accessible to more people more will join other formats like vintage or modern with now comes with price tag for entry. And people people that play those formats will be more interested in buying more of thier product and make more money than worrying g about whales there more focusing towards more and more on leaving fans behind it fast true by you see there thought process and the way there slowly moving towards
March 13, 2023 4:15 p.m.
wallisface says... #8
Stardragon Wotc has to keep reprint quantities low so that they can use high-value cards to sell packs. While they don’t profit from the secondary market, they can still leverage it to ensure their product is worth the price stickers they’re putting on them. If cards were all worth $5-or-less, then there would be zero incentive to open packs, and Wotcs profit margins would suffer.
I should say i’d also like some card prices to be lower than what they are - but the company still needs an array of “chase cards” to keep themselves afloat
March 13, 2023 4:17 p.m.
Since this is a new page of the thread, and since Stardragon mentioned it, here is another friendly reminder not to talk about buying or selling proxies on TappedOut.
Wizards has made it clear that they do not really mind personal proxies, but they do mind when third parties make money off their intellectual property. Let’s not go down any roads that violate this site’s guidelines on respecting others’ intellectual property, as we all want to keep TappedOut from getting in many trouble.
March 13, 2023 4:32 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #10
I’m not sure what you mean by “now comes with a price tag for entry.”
Modern and older formats have always cost several hundred to up over $2000 dollars.
This is an article from about 8 years ago, 2013. The cheapest deck being a mid tier around $150, and that’s because it was mono colored, and played a bunch of uncommons.
The most expensive is Jund at over $2100.
In addition to what caerwyn said about needing to keep reprints scarce to increase pack sales, they also need to keep reprints scarce due solely to having to move the game forward. Old mechanics get retired, old cards get outclassed by new ones, yet remain desirable for EDH and other singleton formats, where you want as much of a certain effect as possible.
Also lore reasons. Ragavan, one of moderns premier cards, would not have made sense in the most recent set. A pirate monkey on Phyrexia? Makes no sense. They need to find a spot for these cards to exist, and can’t just shoe horn beloved cards because they want to.
March 13, 2023 5:06 p.m.
Arrzarrina says... #11
I'm not sure why you're bringing Ragavan up. He was printed in MH2 and is a pirate monkey. A card with an identical text box could have been printed in ONE but made a phyrexian goblin instead.
March 13, 2023 7:49 p.m.
Arrzarrina says... #12
I posted this like three seconds ago and just realised that I missed your point. Please disregard.
March 13, 2023 7:50 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #13
It’s okay, Ragavan being a straight to modern card probably didn’t make sense in the context I used it in.
March 13, 2023 10:28 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #14
Buddy somebody just said 5 comments before you did to NOT discuss buying proxies. This is illegal as fuck, and not something tappedout wants to be affiliated with.
Either buy the official cards, or write the names on some basic lands like the rest of us do.
WOTC might be run by corporate Hasbro and we all have our own feelings about that, but supporting people who are literally stealing their ideas and intellectual property is not okay, and not something we condone in this community.
March 14, 2023 11:07 a.m. Edited.
Grubbernaut says... #15
Daveslab2022 "Like the rest of us do" is... pretty disingenuous in the EDH community in 2023, regarding proxies.
March 14, 2023 12:55 p.m.
I think it depends on the player. Some people say up front they have proxies of cards they own, or they can't find any in our country to buy, etc and I'm ok with that. Other people don't announce it and I gotta wonder why? Are they cheating up the power level of their deck? Should I annoyed that some people can't afford some cards? That seems dumb. But at the same time, I didn't decide to make a sliver deck without buying any of the cards. That Sliver Queen is the most expense card I own but that was the commitment I made.
In short, I have an irrational acceptance/hate of proxies.
March 14, 2023 7:07 p.m.
I like proxies. But I like them when used to save money, not to power-scale a deck. In my opinion, the proper use of proxies are:
- Proxying a whole deck to see if it is something you might want to purchase soon or to finalise a decklist.
- As a stand-in for a card you own in another deck.
- Because you have a really cool alt-art version that fits the theme of your deck and you own the original.
- To test if that playset that will set you back $200 is actually worth it.
I also always declare to groups I am playing with if I am using proxies as I understand that some people don't enjoy them as much as I do, especially If I am testing a playset to see if I should buy it. My attitude towards proxies has been shifting more positively as the hobby gets more expensive and the magic 30 ordeal.
March 14, 2023 7:10 p.m.
doctorflux says... #18
my mindset about proxies:
i wanna play against a player not theirs wallet
sure proxy a true dual land & etc.
March 15, 2023 8:55 a.m.
doctorflux I agree with this 100%! When I first started playing EDH I made my own Momir Vig deck that was jank, but I was very proud of it. My friend played a 5 color superfriend planeswalker deck with stuff like Gaea's Cradle. Not only did I never win, or get close, it made me feel like I was losing because my deck didn't cost as much, which turned me off of playing for a while. I'd much rather play against your creativity and deckbuilding skills than how much money you spend on a hobby.
March 15, 2023 12:22 p.m.
HelpIambadwithUsernames says... #20
Proxies rock! It really spiced up my play group and helped my friends try new things without breaking the bank. Proxies helped underpowered decks be able to compete with the stronger decks at the table and the stronger decks were generally unchanged because they were already preforming the best. I would HIGHLY recommend proxies!'
March 15, 2023 3:55 p.m.
BaronOfTheVile says... #21
Proxy good. Not paying all that money to play a tcg with friends.
March 15, 2023 10:46 p.m.
Swing4Lethal says... #23
Our group allows proxies for play under the following circumstances:
If we own at least 1 actual copy of the card, it can be proxied for other decks without having to buy additional copies.
If we are testing a new deck and don't own the cards, but fully intend to buy them if we like the deck.
If we have ordered the cards and have not received them yet.
March 22, 2023 3:17 p.m.
To preface, I'm okay with proxies for someone who can't afford to play magic, or wants to save time from having to move cards from one deck to another between each game. I'm not okay with proxies as a way to sidestep one of the primary restrictions to building overpowered decks, which is money. Building a $100-200 commander deck with proxies because you can't spend money on it, I'm fine with. Building a $1200 deck to use the best cards or the staples you see on Command Zone instead of putting in the time to build a deck you would realistically buy , I'm not okay with.
I use proxies in a place where I own the card and instead of making everyone watch me tear down a deck and build a deck on the spot for 5-10 minutes, especially with lands, I use proxies in the deck then when I play a proxy, I replace it on the spot with the real card from my "binder" (I have two deck boxes on the side, one with lands and one with non-lands that I use across multiple decks).
I don't use proxies for cards I don't own for price reasons. If the card is out of my budget, then that's a restriction that keeps me in check when building commander decks. I have a player in one playgroup that plays on spelltable, and he rarely plays his physical decks. He plays off moxfield, but where I have issues is when he's just putting "good stuff" decks together with cards he wouldn't be buying himself, and oftentimes cards that I don't find have a place in casual commander games unless there's a need for them or it's a borderline cEDH game. Ie: crypt, vault, lotus. There's exceptions, but in general if you're using those cards it should be in the competitive environment.
Where I'm okay with proxies for cards someone doesn't own: They don't have money to spend on magic, but still restrict themselves to a deck that doesn't have "good stuff" cards in it, high end cards, you get the picture. If they want to build a $200 commander deck and they just don't have a budget to do it, I have no issues with that.
If they want to build a $1200 deck that has every good card in the color pairing in it, I'm not really okay with it. The price of the cards is inherently a restriction to playing an overwhelming number of those powerful cards in one deck.
I'm also okay with a deck being proxied if it's a "jank" level deck, or a themed deck. I am proxying a Prismatic Bridge deck because I don't care to buy half the cards for a deck that is just supposed to be funny. The reason it needs proxies is for things like rhystic study, smothering tithe, etc. The theme of the deck is the idea of having to pay a toll to the troll under a bridge to be able to cross over. So the deck is entirely made up of basic lands, lands that are bridges, cards that have bridges, troll creatures, and effects that ask other players to pay mana (not stax). So the goal is to get out a bridge, a troll, and a tax so i can ask people to pay the toll troll. It lacks an effective way to win, it doesn't have any interaction, it has no synergy, it's just a "troll" deck.
April 3, 2023 10:09 a.m.
Skillville says... #26
Pay to play.
It's disrespectful to just play with printer proxies while someone else actually spends money.
April 4, 2023 4:16 a.m.
scotchtapedsleeves says... #27
Skillville Why is it disrespectful? Unless they're proxying incredibly expensive cards, I'm 100% behind proxying if the person doesn't have the money/doesn't want to commit to buying 50$ cards for their decks. It's all cardboard in the end
April 4, 2023 10:18 a.m.
Skillville I was going to ask the same question, how is it disrespectful? If you beat someone because your deck is expensive and they're using all bulk rares is that really a fun game to play at that point? Wouldn't you prefer a challenge?
April 4, 2023 12:36 p.m.
I commented on this thread a while ago but I think my opinion has changed slightly since then.
While there are many good reasons to use proxies, there are a lot of things to watch out for. For example, now that you can afford to put Dockside Extortionist, Cyclonic Rift, and Necropotence in every one of your decks with the right colors, what are you going to do? There are dozens of staples out there that are good in every deck. Rhystic Study is still good in your spellslinger. Force of Will and Deflecting Swat are great even in decks that don’t rely as much on your commander. If the overall price of your deck is not a factor you take into consideration when deck building, your decks (and subsequently, your games) will quickly become less unique.
Furthermore, proxied cards hold no value. It may cost you more now to pay for the full value of your deck, but by doing so you are assembling a collection of cards with real value rather than worthless pieces of cardboard.
The collecting aspect of the game is lost upon those that only use proxies. This may not be interesting to some players, especially those who are just starting to play. Nevertheless, as players expand their circle of friends in the community, I have observed they often feel more integrated when they actually care about the product. I used to not care at all about alternate artwork and printings of cards. Now, it’s become one of my favorite parts of the game.
All this is not to overshadow the many good things that have been said about proxies. I agree with most, if not all of what has been said in their favor. However, I would invite anyone who uses proxies to consider using them less. Dig around in the penny box at your LGS. Pay more attention to some of the incredible (and diverse) artwork that WOTC has commissioned for cards you love. Above all, don’t just dump your whole decklist into a website that will print cards for you. Consider supporting your LGS first. I can seriously guarantee you will enjoy the game more if you do.
April 4, 2023 2:56 p.m.
On the other hand, spend more $ on good drink, food, & atmosphere; less on the cards.... still maximize your enjoyment. Experience & enjoyment are subjective, for some the cards themselves play 2nd fiddle to the actual event
April 4, 2023 3:52 p.m.
Something happened today that made me think of this thread. A close friend of mine who loves mtg so much that he builds all his own decks now (and has made at least 6 EDH decks in under a year lol) told me today that one of my decks initially made him wonder whether or not he even wanted to play magic when he was first learning. It's an omnath locus deck, and it is definitely my most competitive deck and has since been toned down. But the problem wasn't just how strong it was, but that all of the cards that interested him were pretty expensive. This was before we started proxying, and he said that to build something like what I had just meant having at least 100$ before lands, and he was absolutely opposed to spending money on cards that weren't enjoyable (like lands). There was a literal paywall in front of him building a fun deck. I think if we hadn't discovered proxies as a solution, he would have just quit the game permanently. Yes, we're playing casual but I keep thinking about that - how many more people would be playing if they weren't priced out of having fun at the table?
April 7, 2023 2:59 p.m.
wallisface says... #34
Its absolutely insane to me how much of the community oppose proxies (though it does look like most of us are sensible enough to see they’re a good thing). In literally every non-competition game they improve the game by removing barriers to entry and allowing more people to participate (even in competitive events proxies were often required by players running some cards like the foil-only Nexus of Fate).
The main (imo misguided) reasons i’ve seen against proxies so far are:
People making proxies far more expensive/competitive than the playgroups meta. This is for a big failure on the proxy-makers ability to “read the room”, but this problem would also exist if they’d bought the physical cards. In both cases, its a case of having a discussion about expected power level in your meta, and having that person be respectful of that.
People believing you should only be able to proxy cards you already own. But why? This just feels like gatekeeping with extra steps. The fact that someone owns a copy of a card doesn’t make proxying it any more or less valid. If people are proxying with the intention of having fun without stifling the fun of others, there’s no harm.
People proxying cards very lazily (scribbling words on an island). I do agree with this, as it detracts from others enjoyment of the game, and if you are proxying you should really put some kind if effort in. I personally think its ok to play with 1-2 playsets of “lazy proxies” if you’re just quickly testing something and are short on time, but in every other scenario make em look decent enough to play with.
I get the vibe of FOMO a bit from those anti-proxy as well. The idea perhaps that because they spent real money on cardboard, that others should have to as well instead of getting free-access. All I can say to that is that this is a game first and foremost, and its meant to be played. Your real cards will maintain value while the proxy cards won’t. You’re gaining nothing from this gatekeeping. Try to realise its more important to have another person enjoy the game than to strip-away their wallet.
That proxies “overwhelm” new players. I’d disagree on this only from the standpoint that new players probably don’t want to immediately drop hundreds of dollars to play, and that being creative with deckbuilding is a bug part of magic. Proxies allows newer players to explore the game to its fullest, and imo is more likely to move them closer to being a regular player (and then buying into real cards anyway if they get into competition games).
a playgroup meta getting “out of control” if proxies had no limits. Talk with your playgroup and come up with limits. Stress that the power level of decks should be consistent with how y’all want to play.
proxying stifles creativity. Hard-disagree with this one. Proxying literally opens you up to every card the game has to offer, giving you full access to create the brew of your dreams (provided it fits within your playgroups meta). Proxying doesn’t automatically mean you have to netdeck anything (you won’t even be able to if your playgroup has restrictions on budget).
Proxying is great in that it:
gets more people into the game.
allows people to play on an equal footing.
allows people to brew new decks without throwing money away.
helps to create/initiate conversations around what meta a group wants to foster, instead of a group just hoping their magic-spend is roughly equal/fair.
lets people test new ideas without spending needless $$$.
helps to alleviate the drain many people feel from Wotc constantly pumping out product (you’re less-forced into buying everything to keep-up, unless you play competitions).
April 7, 2023 4:18 p.m.
golgarigirl says... #35
I don't mind proxies if people are transparent about using them. That said, I don't use them and will generally discourage their use. Reason being I have met the player that when given the opportunity to proxy will put every power card their deck could run in their deck, with no thought of if it is a good fit for their deck and it's strategy. I do also get upset if someone proxies something with no intent to purchase the card. I understand formats that have Moxen and Power, but I primarily play commander. Your deck does not NEED a Cradle. Most linchpin cards can be saved for, and so long as you intend to buy the card, I'm a lot more accepting of the proxy for testing and temporary funds-gathering purposes.
April 10, 2023 8:23 a.m.
As for EDH, we divide our EDH in 3 categories: competitive (spike decks) flavour/themed/tribal (prestige-decks) fun/planechase/un-sets allowed (where a game can last for hours)
As for flavour and fun EDH, we have our own banlist, basically removing such cards that go hard on the wallet, because most of them are not balanced and have no suitable flavour either way.
As for competitive, (proxies are forbidden) well, if you really want to spend a thousands of bucks for a single card that you might not even get to draw (100 cards EDH) or fetch because of the omnipresent counterplay, that's really up to you. In competitive we don't stop you from getting that 0.5% advantage, if you really want it you should be able to get it, it's not gonna get you a win, it's money thrown out of the window for almost nothing. But yeah, we give people the chance to flex if it makes them happy. I'm not gonna applaud tho. I actually spent more money for my tribal angel EDH deck than for my competitive spike deck. Because that's where the real flex is. Get matching card hulls, playmats, dices and a deckbox that suit the theme, foil out where you can, make good combos and strong plays and stay inside your theme with every card, that's when I applaud someone and not for a shabby true-dual-land.
April 11, 2023 3 p.m.
As for deck testing, you can just use online stuff.
I really don't see the need for proxies anywhere.
To reject proxies it's a bit normal for my generation, we grew up when Pokemon/Yugioh cards started and some kids just had fake cards or cards that were just overprinted and they tried to trick other kids into trading them for real cards, so all of that proxie stuff just gives off bad vibes.
April 11, 2023 3:09 p.m.
Online stuff is not really a valid option when you are playing the physical, paper game with friends. I guess it is good for your group though that they found something that works.
April 11, 2023 5:08 p.m.
Omega_Autism says... #39
I personally think that outside of a competitive scene, proxies really shouldn't matter. Money shouldn't be a bar to enjoying all forms of MTG and if you're worried about power scaling, get/make your own proxies! If you can't/won't do that, then don't play with the person, simple as.
April 14, 2023 8:02 a.m.
LightEntropy says... #40
I was against them until wizards literally printed Proxies for their 30th anniversary, now, IDC if you spend 50 cents to print out a whole CEDH thasios, timna deck in black and white, and slip those pieces of paper into a sleeve. It would be hypocrisy for wizards to appose the production of Proxies at this point. (OFC proxies that are faked as the real card would be an issue though, keep your Jewlers loop, people)
April 20, 2023 3:50 p.m.
synergydecks says... #41
It's a hard issue to work around for sure, just with the subjective nature of it. There are very few hard lines that can be drawn. I think the only things almost everyone can agree on is if you show up to a sanctioned tournament with proxies that you'll be disqualified. And there should be some way to tell your card is a proxy as to make sure it's not traded / sold thinking its real. Everything else I look at through a lens of will this lead to me and others playing more Magic?
If someone sits down in a pod and says "I have a few proxies in this deck because I can't afford a few of these cards right now." I'd always hear them out and play a game, I do that all the time. Say a card is going to rotate out of standard in 3 months and I think its price is going to tank. I'll just print out a scale image of the card and put that piece of paper in a sleeve with a basic land and call it good for the time being. I would say this leads to me building / having more decks to play, which will lead to me playing more magic. Now if that player turn 1 plays a Gaea's Cradle into Black lotus into Time walk all proxied I would probably not want to play with them anymore. I would say that proxies are being used in a way that leads to less Magic games. Now if you and your friends all say we're going to make the most absurd proxy decks and bring them on Thursday, then that exact same interaction is now 100% ok.
I look at it as just one more thing to mention in rule 0. If two people sat down and one of them had a normal deck but the 5 highest priced cards were proxied, and the other guy had a Hokori, Dust Drinker deck. I would ask the Hokori person to change deck 100 times before I as the proxier (No offese if you love Hokori, Dust Drinker) I just know that the Hokori deck is most likely going to make my game unfun, where I have no reason to believe that of the proxier until proven otherwise.
Proxies are a tool and tools can be misused. There would never be a situation where I'd be fine with the deck unproxied, but then not ok with it when they're used. Proxys could make it easier for someone to build a deck that is too strong for you, but in that case I'd say the deck is miss powered for the playgroup and they should switch decks on that basis. I don't think there would be much contention with proxies if people only proxied basic lands and six cent commons. People don't like getting stomped and that's fair. But I would cast judgment on the person stomping me for deceiving me about the card contents of their deck, and never the contents of the cards in their deck.
April 21, 2023 11:34 a.m.
tablebeast says... #43
Wizards these days is so full of greed, overpowered cards, and woke nonsense that it is increasingly hard to support them at all. New cards are mostly a joke. Yet, I love to play the game. I've been playing since 1994. I've given the game plenty of my time, energy, and most of all MONEY. I just can't do it any more. I really don't care about collecting the cards for $$$ value. I just want to play with minimal cost and hassle. And If I'm going to play, I want to play with all those weird cards I can't afford. This is where proxies come in. I don't play in any sanctioned tournaments. I play with my friends. What's more is, I'm an artist, so I'm going to make my own proxies to show off my talents. And no, I'm not making proxies of the power 9 or Commander staples like you might expect. Currently I'm making proxies of pauper cards! My first full deck I designed was a mono red pauper burn deck. Yes, thats right, no Black Lotus, but I do have a Mogg Fanatic. Why? It's fun! This game is SUPPOSED to be fun. It was designed to be fun. The collector's item thing was a side effect of commies (apologies to Mr Garfield) completely misunderstanding the real impact of supply and demand and using rarity to rebalance things. It didn't work in the way the claim to have intended, but it sure did sell a bunch of packs! Well, I'm done buying those unbalanced packs. I don't even know which ones to buy any more! Collector's? Draft? Set? It's nonsense. I like sense.
April 21, 2023 11:07 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #44
Man, I hate it when commies commit a late-stage capitalism.
April 21, 2023 11:36 p.m.
tablebeast - TappedOut is a friendly site with folks of all ages and from all walks of life. There is no need for you to add irrelevant political ramblings to your post.
Please refrain from posting such nonsense moving forward.
And to anyone else, please refrain from responding to the non sequitur political aspects of the post.
April 22, 2023 12:28 a.m.
tablebeast says... #46
Excuse me, but it is Wizards that injects politics into their product and everything they do. It's not my fault for noticing. Furthermore, I don't appreciate you dehumanizing me by belittling my opinion as invalid. I'm very much on topic, thank you very much. The post asked for opinions. I gave mine. If you don't like my opinion then please kindly debate me like a grown up or don't engage at all. Thanks.
April 22, 2023 1:02 a.m.
purplebunz says... #47
Blames the negatives of wotc striving for higher and higher profits on communism. Brilliant.
April 22, 2023 11:35 a.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #48
Yeah some people have their head stuck so far down in the sand they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about anymore.
Dude is looking for the word “capitalism.”
April 22, 2023 11:48 a.m.
purplebunz, Daveslab2022, and anyone else who is considering commenting related to the political non sequitur posted previously:
As I already noted, that is not a topic to be discussed here. TappedOut is not a website for discussing politics and it is not even relevant to the underlying question of proxies.
This has been a very productive, generally respectfully, and well-loved thread. Let's not derail it by discussing topics which are neither germane to the conversation nor likely to lead to productive discourse.
April 22, 2023 11:53 a.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #50
My apologies Caerwyn. I just read the post I replied too and then skimmed through to find what he was addressing - completely missing your reply :) Im sorry
Eris_Medley says... #1
I have no problem with the use of proxies, but my LGS prefers you don't use them. I understand they need to keep things official to keep their WPN status. I'm also a collector, so I like to have legit copies of cards. That said, I do have a proxy foil Mana Crypt just because the art is neat. I never use it in a deck.
Since I mostly play EDH, I don't mind if someone proxies their entire deck. I like to see what the cards do, even if they are wrecking me. I also made a small "wedding set" for my friend and a few of the cards are extremely broken. He uses those in the first EDH deck he made, but that just made things interesting.
The only problem I have with proxies is when someone is duped into buying a counterfeit thinking it's a real copy.
As far as readability goes, the Phyrexian text cards are official, but you can't read what the card does unless you've also got a non-phyrexian version to read from. So long as I can find the card on Scryfall, feel free to Sharpie a name on a basic.
February 19, 2023 2:31 a.m.