What Real-Life Cliques/Subcultures Would the Planeswalkers Inhabit?
General forum
Posted on Nov. 24, 2016, 12:08 a.m. by DemonDragonJ
Recently, I found myself wondering: if the planeswalkers and other main characters from the current M:tG storyline were students at a high school or college, to what cliques or subcultures would they belong? Therefore, this thread is to discuss such a subject.
Liliana would definitively be an "alpha bitch" and likely also a goth (if those two tropes can ever be combined).
Sorin would also likely be a goth, but he would be very aloof and distant, not caring about socializing or his popularity.
Nissa would obviously be a hippie, Gideon would be an athlete, and Jace a nerd/geek. I imagine that Chandra would be a punk or otherwise rebellious student who defied authority and frequently caused trouble.
I believe that Domri, Sarkhan, and Tezzeret would all be fans of hard rock and/or heavy metal music, with specific characteristics for each of them: Domri would likely be a punk or member of a gang; Sarkhan would have a fondness for medieval fantasy; and Tezzeret would have a fondness for science and technology.
I imagine that Garruk would be the type of person who cared little for modern conveniences, but also, unfortunately, did not groom himself or care for personal hygiene. He would likely be someone who lived in the wilderness and hunted for his own food.
If I can think of any other examples, I shall post them, later.
What does everyone else say about this? If the planeswalkers were students at a high school or college, what cliques/subcultures would they occupy?
pleasiodmakerblooloo says... #3
Ugin would be that young adult graduate that still sticks around the little kids at school to feel superior.
November 24, 2016 1:41 p.m.
pleasiodmakerblooloo says... #4
Ob Nixilis would be that kid that you think might commit a school shooting.
November 24, 2016 1:47 p.m.
Postmortal_Pop says... #5
Xenagos is the kid that's dealing drugs to half the school.
Daretti is the kid taking all the shop and art classes that keeps blows up the welding station by accident.
Kaya is the girl thats on the cheer squad and hangs out with all the preps but secretly hates them and only stays because she's in too deep.
EpicFreddi says... #2
Sarkhan would go through that weird phase where he changes every mounth. He goes from deathmetal to rock to some weird alternative stuff. He does that at least twice a mounth.
Tibalt would be that weird autistic kid that does weird things but everybody kinda likes him, even though they're not real friends with him.
Dovin Baan would be "Teachers favorite".
Narset would be that super smart intellectual kid that only reads books in her free time.
November 24, 2016 6:30 a.m.