What should the invocations have been?
General forum
Posted on June 12, 2017, 2:49 p.m. by MagicalHacker
According to MaRo's article today, he mentioned running out of steam on picking masterpieces as part of the reason that they won't do them for every set. My question is (and let's assume they also changed the design to one that most players really wanted like with other masterpieces), what should the Invocations have been? Feel free to change the total number higher or lower also.
Tyrant-Thanatos says... #3
Yeah, I'd have been happier to see them reduce the number of masterpieces in each set, rather than reduce the number of sets that have them.
June 12, 2017 7:47 p.m.
ZombieswithJetpacks says... #4
I agree that they should have only been Spells, no creatures or artifacts. Also the lack of green invocations was disturbing. To break it down:
White cards: 7
Blue cards: 11
Black cards: 6
Red cards: 3
Green cards: 1 (The God)
If you count the gold cards, Green gets an additional 1 card, white gets an additional 1, and black gets 2 more.
This brings us a total of 30 cards. I kind of wish they were evenly spread out, each color getting an even amount.
Below is a list of what I would have made the invocations be and this list does include alot of the invocations that were already made. Additionally this list is made to have all the colors get equal representation. Additionally this is just an opinion. Here we go by color:
1x Austere Command1x Worship1x Wrath of God1x Swords to Plowshares1x Oblivion Ring
Blue (This is the only color, for obvious reasons, that I didn't add any cards to, but rather subtracted from):
1x Counterspell1x Cryptic Command1x Daze1x Force of Will1x Pact of Negation
Black (I almost just subtracted down to 5 like blue, but Mind Twist always felt a bit disappointing for me as an invocation, and was cut [remember this is all just opinions and fun times]):
1x Attrition1x Dark Ritual1x Diabolic Intent1x Damnation1x Entomb
1x Aggravated Assault1x Chain Lightning1x Lightning Bolt1x Sneak Attack1x Anger of the Gods
Green (This one took some work):
1x Vines of Vastwood1x Harrow1x Tooth and Nail1x Nourishing Shoal1x Exploration
Gold (While not totally even, I tried to represent colors fairly):
1x Maelstrom Pulse1x Vindicate1x Lightning Helix1x Aura Shards1x Electrolyze
What do other people think? Hows my list?
June 13, 2017 12:24 a.m. Edited.
EpicFreddi says... #6
I'm fine with the Masterpieces being creatures/artifacts/etc, but I really dislike those frames. The expeditions were fine, but the new egypt-styled frames just look awful in a normal modern deck.
I also want them to be new cool artworks for old cards. I can imagine Life from the Loam or Dark Depths as masterpieces. (Imagine a Marit-Lage-Masterpiece Token).
Of course, you had to implement those cards into the lore, which would make it harder to print them, but I could also imagine those cards as "additional goodies".
June 13, 2017 4:23 a.m.
ZombieswithJetpacks says... #7
Marit-Lage was an Eldrazi all along boom lore fixed. Though to be fair expeditions were cool lands, though Marit-Lage would be sweet, especially if they made foil tokens again.
June 13, 2017 5:28 a.m. Edited.
I liked the Egyptian borders.
I just didn't like how difficult it is to read the writing on them.
My partner cracked a Force of Will Invocation and he didn't realise because he couldn't read it.
Winterblast says... #2
I personally like the design very much, especially that the artwork is foiled and not just the border...I liked the ancient Egyptian style. However for an "invocation" it should have been only instants, sorceries and enchantments, no creatures. Also the number of different cards should be reduced so the probability of opening a specific invocation increases...higher chance of actually getting the stuff you want IF you even open one. Like, if they had simply cut the creatures and crap cards like worship, that would have been great!
June 12, 2017 3:05 p.m.