What's the defenition of insanity?
General forum
Posted on June 15, 2021, 4:38 p.m. by magwaaf
So I'm updating my edh decks and i am counting up my cards and i hit 100 and then go on here to change cards and thats where my insanity begins....
I have exactly 100 cards, every card on the list is literally in my hands except 1 and yet the site says im at exacrly 100 while im still trying to figure out how.... it's been 3 hours and im still getting nowhere... anyone else have fun like this? I'm going crazy...
libraryjoy says... #3
Yeah, I just start lining them up alphabetically by type, following the list on here, and wait until I get something that doesn't match up.
June 15, 2021 4:56 p.m.
What I do when aligning my paper and online decklists is to make a copy of the deck, thereupon selectively going through the paper list card by card and deleting it from the copied version.
By the time you are done, each card in the online decklist that is not in paper shall be clearly descried. Even better, during the process, if you cannot find a card in the list, it means that the paper version is not uploaded to the online version.
It takes me around thirty minutes with the obsessive use of command F, but it gets the job done efficiently and effectively.
June 15, 2021 4:59 p.m.
Thats not bad, i lay em out side by side the list on here and then the deck and i match it up in order.
June 15, 2021 5:03 p.m.
magwaaf - I have tried that, but the human mind is not entirely accurate, even at its best. A more selective methodology has proved better for me, but you may choose as you wish.
I am merely averse to heuristic processes.
wallisface says... #2
Have you tried grouping/ordering them in the same way they’re displayed here? Will be a pretty easy way to spot where the gapsbare on either end
June 15, 2021 4:49 p.m.