When two Mimic Vats are in play...
General forum
Posted on Nov. 20, 2010, 11:31 p.m. by KaraZorEl
I played at FNM this week with my Grixis and I didn't know about this and it cost me the game (and the round).
My opponent and I each had a Mimic Vat in play. I chose to play mine first since there was a Baneslayer in play and I had a Doom Blade in hand. On the next turn, my opponent plays his. On my turn, I use my Doom Blade thinking that since it's my turn, I'll get it. However, that wasn't the case.
The active player's abilities go on the stack first, which in my case meant that my opponent got the Baneslayer since his Vat ability went on the stack before mine.
I thought I would share it with you all so that you can (hopefully) avoid my mistake. :P
Whenever a card refers to itself by name, it is only referring to itself, not any other cards that might happen to have that name. Anything that involves another card by the same name will say so - Accumulated Knowledge , Kindle , the Odyssey Burst cycle, the Future Sight Grandeur cycle, and so forth.
November 21, 2010 2:10 p.m.
LeakyBucket says... #4
Okay, makes sense. It's the "all other cards removed.." bit that threw me off "any other card" would have made more sense to me.
November 21, 2010 4:21 p.m.
It is always APNAP (active-player/non-active-player) way of putting automated (triggered) abilities on the stack.
the same happens with the late(old) Hypergenesis combo, or any effect that puts multiple abilities on the stack.
That means the non-active player will have his abilities resolve first.
November 26, 2010 4:48 a.m.
Another thing I found out about the Mimic Vat...you can use it in the middle of somebody's end step and then use it again on your turn. Someone did this for my Inferno Titan. :P
LeakyBucket says... #2
I've actually been wondering about the wording on Mimic Vat . When you and your opponent have one out and one already has an imprint, does grabbing a new creature clear all of them out, except the one that just imprinted. It almost seems to imply that both players could make the same token too. Seems a little ambiguous to me.
November 21, 2010 1:35 p.m.