Which Format?
General forum
Posted on March 26, 2017, 7:47 p.m. by NapoleonBonaparte
So I've finally found my perfect EDH deck! Yay me, right? Maybe...
Playing only 1 format isn't so exciting for me. I've played standard off and on and I played modern for about 2 years. But I've sold out of both of those formats. Now I'm looking to start playing another format but I can't decide which one. So I need your advice!
Should it be Standard? or Modern? How about Legacy?
P.S. Some important factors that I would like you all to take into consideration. Format financial stability is important to me.(That's why I got into EDH). Also I like to be able to have a variety of options to choose from (deck wise). Most of all I want to have fun!
titanreaver says... #3
As far as financial stability is a concern I would choose one of the eternal formats. There are several "fun-only" formats like pauper, commoner, and noble. However legacy and vintage are better options if you want to have competitive options. Legacy is my favorite because I think it offers the best of both. It offers a large variety of decks for competition and infinite possibilities for casual play, and some that are both. oddly enough most vintage events end up being mostly casual with one guy having a power deck. So that might be an option. It also depends on your geographic location. The North East and South West corners of the Continental states have a lot of eternal competition so if you are not in either of them there are spots around the States but you may not be near an area to play very often. However at the end of the day there is no perfect option I would suggest trying your local game stores and seeing what is popular there and weighing your decision based on that.
March 26, 2017 8:50 p.m.
If you have a playgroup where there are multiple players looking to get into a new format, I would highly recommend Canadian Highlander. It's 100 card singleton which means that it's relatively easy to get into from a resourcing perspective.
March 27, 2017 1:28 a.m.
1/ Canadian Highlander - no banlist, singleton, 100-card deck, moderated in its power level by an innovative points list. Literally anything can have success in this meta. For example, Mono W, GB Aggro and U Extra Turns have all had big successes in recent tourneys of the format.
2/ Pauper - you can built 8 tier 1 decks in the format for the prices of 1 standard deck and you can host a tournament on your own. Relatively small banlist aimed at curtailing combo. The top tier is very much like a plateau - all the top decks are from all archetypes and walks of life.
March 27, 2017 8:12 a.m.
NapoleonBonaparte says... #6
I appreciate all of your inputs! Locally, standard and modern are popular. Whereas legacy and pauper are not so much. I also know zero people that play canadian highlander nor do I know of any stores that provide a night to play it.
Once again thank you to all!
icehit6 says... #2
In my opinion, modern is in a fantastic spot right now. You've got a lot of decks to choose from, and with modern masters 17 reprints, a lot of decks got a bit cheaper to dive into.
As well, you don't really even to go "meta" for modern. With the ban of Gitaxian Probe, not only did it widen the format in general, but rogue decks are viable now, definitely more than they used to be.
As well, modern staples fluctuate a bit, however they will always be a fairly safe investment.
March 26, 2017 8:02 p.m.