Who Would Be Quoted on the Allied-Colored Talismans?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2020, 10:20 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
When WotC printed enemy-colored talismans in Modern Horizons, those cards had quotes from planeswalkers whose color identities matched the colors of mana that those talismans could produce.
Therefore, I wonder who would be quoted on the allied-colored talismans, if they were to be reprinted, so I wish to start a thread to ask about that.
Talisman of Dominance would most likely have a quote from Tezzeret, but Ashiok is also a possibility, as well.
Domri is the most logical planeswalker to be quoted on Talisman of Impulse, but Xenagos is another candidate, as well.
Tibalt is definitely the best match for Talisman of Indulgence.
Dovin is the perfect choice for Talisman of Progress.
Talisman of Unity would almost certainly have a quote from Ajani, since he focuses on unity and community.
What does everyone else say about this subject? Who would be quoted on the allied-colored talismans?