Why are lands always the last to arrive?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2021, 9:17 a.m. by Argy
I've put together quite a few decks in paper over the past seven years.
(Every time I finish a deck I think it will be the last deck I ever build ... but then I always find a reason to build another one.)
I often need to buy cards in order to finish my decks.
Time and time again I always seem to wait for the last card to arrive in the post, and more often than not it is a land.
Does anyone else have this experience?
I think once I was waiting for a Fatal Push but that's the only time I remember it not being a land.
It's to do with the fact that I hunt down the best price, which is often from eBay Sellers.
Still don't know why it's always something like an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth that I need to complete the deck.
January 6, 2021 10:04 a.m.
DarkMagician says... #4
Are you sure you're not building your mana base last? When I'm building a deck I tend to build it on paper first and when i do that i select my lands after the rest of the deck has been finalized. I purchase cards in the order that i write them down so the last thing in my cart is usually my lands. I usually take a day or two to hunt down the best prices so the last card i order on day two is a land meaning the last card I'm usually waiting on is a land.
January 6, 2021 10:46 a.m.
Nah I don't start ordering until I've finished building on here (thanks TappedOut!), and then it takes me about an hour to order all the cards.
Once I've seen which ones I already own.
This came about because I started sleeving up a deck, and I'm still waiting for some lands.
I thought "it always seems to be lands that I get last".
We'll see. I've got lands and Sol Rings yet to get.
January 6, 2021 12:13 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #6
This seems like a highly subjektive impression, and I'm perfectly sure you are aware of this. Maybe this has to do with awareness of something that happened? I could imagine that there are enough situations when it doesn't happen that way, but for whatever reason the times when it happens, that reinforces that impression.
Looking at my decks, it most often seem to be the newest cards or the ones that inspired the deck that arrive last.
January 6, 2021 4:15 p.m.
Is it also possible that typically when building the deck what you need most of are lands and so possible they are always last to be delivered because more of what you're expecting to receive is land? Basically if I end up ordering 20 cards and 13 of them are a land card, I have more chances for the last package arriving to be land than not (assuming all 20 were individual purchases).
January 7, 2021 10:08 a.m.
It turns out, for my latest deck, that I thought I had 4x Liliana, the Last Hope but I actually only had 3.
I needed to order one extra.
Here ya go, lands, you have a chance to reach me before Lili as I have ordered her a full week after you.
I was expecting to receive my last land cards today. Three of them. From the same Seller.
I opened my letterbox to see one envelope inside. I opened the envelope expecting to see 3 Clearwater Pathways Flip ... and was instead greeted by Liliana, the Last Hope.
Yet again, the last card I am waiting for is a land.
Why? Why am I always waiting for a land(s) to finish my decks?
Curse you, card gods.
VampDemigod says... #2
I usually order my cards from major online retailers (or my LGS, if they have the cards I need), so I haven't really experienced this. Sorry I can't be of more help....
January 6, 2021 9:24 a.m.