Why are Ugin and Nahiri Ranked so High on the Venser Scale When they are Important to the Story?
General forum
Posted on Nov. 22, 2018, 9:12 a.m. by DemonDragonJ
In addition to the Storm Scale and Rabiah Scale, Mark Rosewater now has the Venser Scale, which measures how likely a specific planeswalker is to return in a standard-legal set.
I agree with most of those ranks, except for Ugin and Nahiri, as both of them are very relevant to the story and focuses of unresolved plot lines, so they are practically guaranteed to return at some point in the future.
What does everyone else say about this? Why are Ugin and Nahiri ranked so high on the Venser Scale despite being relevant to the story?
What is more surprising is that the beheaded Urza is a 9. Unless he is rezzed by Bolas as a zombie, I do not see it happening. Garruk, a planeswalker hunter that is also curse-ridden, is somehow a 6, while stuff we have seen a lot of like Ajani is 2.
What is the point of having every set introduce a new planeswalker, if WOTC will forget them forever?
kanokarob says... #2
Nahiri is not really important to the story anymore. Her mission of vengeance against Sorin is accomplished. Incorperating her into another standard set would require explanation and characterization that isn't already known. Not impossible, but it's less guaranteed in the near future for that reason.
Ugin also requires specific situations to appear. He has unresolved plot, for sure, but his goals are laid out in such a way that WotC cant just slap him in a set willy nilly. There needs to be intent and finesse.
The Venser scale doesn't take into account information that MaRo already has that we do not yet. We can be fairly confident that Ugin will be present in the final Ravnica set, but the Venser scale doesn't take that into account. It measures general liklihood of a character appearing in any given standard-legal set.
November 22, 2018 1:44 p.m.