Why no love for Glyph Keeper?
General forum
Posted on Dec. 19, 2017, 5:08 a.m. by BS-T
Simple question, probably with a simple "it's 5CMC" answer but I wanted to see if anyone has used it to good effect, regardless of the format.
It seems to me a very effective air-borne beat stick with excellent resilience to kill spells. Sure he's only got 3 Toughness so kinda fails the Burn test but if you want to Bolt/Abrade it etc. you gotta do it twice!
In Standard, bobthedog actually 5-0'd a league a while back (pre-rotation) with 1x Glyph Keeper in the main. Here's his or her list.
In the Eternal formats, Kira, Great Glass-Spinner is more useful and comes down (much) earlier.
December 19, 2017 6:24 a.m. Edited.
Also in Eternal formats anything with Hexproof is simply better.
December 19, 2017 6:06 p.m.
Interesting points, all, especially re: Kira.
I'll be interested to see where Standard might go to include him though...
Boza says... #2
Actually, it is that it does not provide anything more than existing options and it does not have a home. It is not as good as the angel in God pharaoh's gift decks, it does not solve the same problems Gloribringer does in Temur Energy, it is too expensive for a Sultai energy deck and too plain and U/X control has many better options.
Tl;dr Good card that is a bit bland, but wait for Kaladesh to rotate out. IMO Good investment.
December 19, 2017 5:26 a.m.