Why the death of mono-color?

General forum

Posted on July 28, 2010, 1:21 p.m. by Kreux

I've noticed something extraordinary today: a great number of mono-color decks are falling to the pricier, more elaborate multi-color decks. I ask myself: "Why is this?" I have seen only one successful mono-color deck in three weeks, and that is my own vampire deck (three straight tournament wins) however even this deck has terrible trouble with a multi-color build. Logically, a mono-color deck should be more effecient to run, and should have an edge against decks that runs multiple colors, but this is not the case. I find myself curious about why so few mono-color decks can stand against deck builds such as "Mythic" or "Super-Friends" or even Boros. Discuss.

squire1 says... #2

Because mono-decks have a weakness, whatever the weakness of that color is. Multicolor decks, especially tourny ones, can build more effectively toward a meta deck. This will allow them to have versitility in answers without the huge drawbacks of any particular color.

The other reason is becasue Alara is still in and its is easy, that and peaople are willing to cut limbs off just to splash the "planeswalker du jour" (currently Mulligatawny, the mindsculptor)

July 28, 2010 2:21 p.m.

Dr. McMeen says... #3

With al of the mana fixing that the past couple of blocks have provided, it's rarely a difficulty running two colors in a deck. More than that and it gets tricky and/or expensive, but two-color decks only occasionally lose out on the mana curve. Once that problem is out of the way, you have double the card base from which to construct your deck. In the end, it's a matter of numbers- do you want to pick from 100 or 200 cards for your tournament-winning deck?

July 28, 2010 2:28 p.m.

cardcoin says... #4

Flexibility of having effects you wouldn't normally see in other colours that allow for combo's and variety to ensure that the deck can handle whats thrown at it.

For example, the black Bloodthrone Vampire can be powered up, but what cards in black help it take advantage of levelling?

Well, there's the artifact Blade of the Bloodchief as well as a few others, but if I had the ability to be able to play with green could I ramp more so? Why hell yeah I can. With greens creature ramp advantage I could use things like Awakening Zone and my fav Mitotic Slime .

Now tell me a creature-artifact combo that could pump your vampire to a 21/21 scary beast in Black (In Standard)?

This plus the ease of being able to 'fix' your mana with Sac-lands, Dual lands and even Artifacts Makes 2-3 colour decks attractive and do-able.

But that's just my 2 cent's worth. Mono Colour decks are under appreciated. And I hope my example above shows why.

July 28, 2010 4:06 p.m.

MDragoon423 says... #5

Mono-colored decks aren't really dead, just not as good as other decks. (Except for Red Deck Wins which still sees tournament play). There are many decks out there that are mono-colored and good, just not good enough to beat all the other multi-colored decks. There are Vamps, White Weenie, Eldrazi Green, RDW, (Sorry, no mono-blue). Once you get into competitive magic, you really have to put money down and that allows multi colored decks to rarely have a problem with their mana, and if you can play more than one color without a real drawback, why wouldn't you do it? The more colors you have, the more playable cards you have to choose from. And usually the problem is that your mana is messed up and you'll get color-screwed, which doesn't happen as often anymore.

Like Squire said, a color can do what that color does. Since you are limited to one color, your deck becomes not versatile enough to deal with all the pricey bets that could show up across from you.

Usually in lower level tournaments like FNMs and such, mono-colored decks arent that rare since it is more for fun and its easier to tweak your deck so that its super powerful at your personal metagame.

I love mono-colored decks. Definitely a cheaper option that can still be powerful. =D

July 28, 2010 4:49 p.m.

SocialistElite says... #6

Mono-Colored decks are good when mana-fixing is bad. Unfortunately, there hasn't been bad mana-fixing since Kamigawa and Mirrodin.

July 28, 2010 6:33 p.m.

anvildust says... #7

Bleed them Dry, All of them Playtest

Casual anvildust


July 18, 2014 1:26 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #8

I honestly don't have a specific deck for casual play. I just throw together some fun cards and see what happens.

July 18, 2014 1:58 a.m.

Hallowed_Titan says... #9

Death Rising Playtest

Casual Hallowed_Titan


makes my group hate me sometimes.

July 18, 2014 9:46 p.m.

anvildust says... #10

My deck is very similar, can you give me any advice?

July 18, 2014 10:37 p.m.

My quick suggestion(without looking at your build) is make it as consistent as you can. Because once your friends figure your mass murder plan they'll be gunning for you first.

July 19, 2014 3:23 p.m.

This discussion has been closed