Wilds of Eldraine Pre-Release
General forum
Posted on Sept. 2, 2023, 1:56 a.m. by Icbrgr
I just got back from the Wilds of Eldraine pre-release at my LGS. I haven't done draft in years and I went into the set completely blind. I was incredibly thankful for the deckbuilding pamphlet/guide for building a 40 card draft deck because it was Extremely helpful with helping with mana curve and creature/spell ratios.
I had an amazing time.
I placed 3rd in probably the largest field ive ever played in (between 15-20 people).
I played Boros ummm aggro value?
Restless Bivouac/Hopeful Vigil were my ACE cards.
I hope other people enjoy/enjoyed there pre-release and would love to hear about it!
wow your pool sounds way better than mine... The only knight i remember in my deck was Knight of Doves and I just found him both incredibly underwhelming and annoying because he was in all of my hands I kept that night lol... but Edgewall Pack was also kina an all-star for me.
I definitely lost to Lord Skitter, Sewer King at some point that night... I just didnt draw into my "removal" spells in time and i was overwhelmed... the rat token deck seemed fun; did your son think so?
September 3, 2023 noon
plakjekaas says... #4
Opened The Goose Mother as my promo, looked at all my green and blue to see if they're was something there. Got a nice deck with lots of green food cards, and blue flyers and control spells. A bit of ramp too. Notable synergy of Gingerbrute and Welcome to Sweettooth worked really well, especially if you put down an additional food token during the second chapter turn.
Splashing white for both Threadbind Clique and Twining Twins's adventures was easy, with Evolving Wilds, Return from the Wilds and As Foretold and a single plains, I was never struggling to find the colors.
I ended up going 5-1, only losing the game where I didn't draw my first Island until turn 7. It's was enough for 2nd place out of 24. It was a good day.
September 3, 2023 12:45 p.m.
Nice! that sounds like a heck of a run plakjekaas! I also opened a copy of The Goose Mother but it was in my prize packs after the event lol... your brew sounds wild and maybe its because I'm both rusty and new to draft running 3 colors just seems risky! (again the pamphlet in the pre-release kit was like my deck building bible).
I played against a few 3 color decks seemed to be popular... well at least 2 out of 4 of my games were that matchup.
September 3, 2023 1:03 p.m. Edited.
plakjekaas says... #6
It's true, I'd advise newer players against trying to play 3 colors... but the thing was, my only white cards were the two adventures I mentioned, and both creatures are more than fine to play if you'll never find your 3rd colored land. The risk was negligible, and the reward was pretty huge. But I have seen people try 4 colors with 6 cards of every color, and a very scary manabase of 4 of each basic in the colors they were in, which did make me wince a bit '^^
But in this set, a treasure, Prismatic Omen or a Prophetic Prism really easily enables you to play a single multicolor rare, or an off-color adventure, while still not being completely useless if you don't draw your off-color cards. They might replace themselves, or you can sacrifice them to Bargain spells if you don't seem to need them.
This format is very friendly to players trying to splash a 3rd color for the first time, that's what I'm saying. But I can empathise with not trying if this was your first prerelease in over a decade ;)
Gidgetimer says... #2
So, my prerelease went pretty similar to yours. I also played Boros aggro and placed third out of 17. I also found Hopeful Vigil to be nice, though I didn't get the land. I was more on a Knights and rats plan with Intangible Virtue, Ratcatcher Trainee, and Imodane's Recruiter. Twisted Fealty did some work as well and I really like the role tokens.
My son opened 4 Voracious Vermin, Twisted Sewer-Witch, and Lord Skitter, Sewer King. So his deck kinda built itself. The only real decision with his pool was what color to splash 7 cards of because black was pretty deep but not quite deep enough to go mono.
September 3, 2023 1:14 a.m.