Will SOI prerelease be worth it?
General forum
Posted on March 27, 2016, 10:41 p.m. by CheeseBro
Will SOI prerelease be worth it? My LGS charges $30 for prerelease. It it worth it for 6 packs, a dice and a promo plus some gameplay? I just feel like $30 is alot 6 packs. I really like the set though, so I dont know.
PS: Not sure if this is in right forum so please dont hate on me for putting in wrong forum!
Dalektable says... #3
From a financial standpoint? Yes. 6 boosters = $24 MSRP. So that extra six dollars is like a normal admissions fee for a tournament to support prizes. Totally worth it.
March 27, 2016 10:49 p.m.
kipahlord13 says... #4
I always go to prereleases, because I want a bunch of the new set, but not enough to splurge for a Fat Pack. Although my store only charges 25 bucks. I figure, if you enjoy the Sealed play, you should go for it, otherwise there is no point.
March 27, 2016 10:53 p.m.
Prereleases are sweet. You're always guaranteed at least one pack, unless your LGS does more competitive prerelease events. Also there's a lot of excitement as people open new cards and discover new mechanics.
Plus, if you're more Spikey, you can usually get some wins off of the weaker audience that shows up. So that's not nothing.
March 27, 2016 10:56 p.m.
Even if it were financially worth it, I wouldn't o it. I dislike attending prerelease events because of the crowd that it draws in. They're sort of like people who only attend church on Christmas. Nothing wrong with that, but they're not usually very into MtG. I get sour looks from people when I call them out on playing poorly. I also don't enjoy winning against these types of people. They're not good at the game, so they tend to be easy opponents. There's no challenge in that and they're so bitchy about everything. Not only that, I like drafting quite a bit, so having a sealed pool feels pretty meh most of the time.
March 27, 2016 11:07 p.m. Edited.
logansullivan says... #7
I enjoy playing against good opponents but I also like to cause as much annoyance as possible so I go by competitive rel just to piss people off.
March 27, 2016 11:19 p.m.
If you can win at least a few rounds or more the investment value goes up significantly, at least at my LGS. There, few wins will net you at least an extra booster pack, 4 wins nets a few more, and I think the winner got a solid 8 booster packs or something. Plus they do a couple raffles throughout for boosters or other goodies.
Even if you win nothing, it is still the most fun (and probably most even-field) competitive event available in Magic.
March 27, 2016 11:43 p.m.
At $30, I wouldn't go to prerelease events. I'm lucky that my LGS doesn't charge nearly that much.
Also, a booster pack is not worth $4. No one should ever pay more than $3 for a pack.
March 27, 2016 11:54 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #10
I love prereleases they give you a chance to play with the new set and provide an atmosphere to just have fun playing because most of the time the prize support is pretty evenly distributed. Most of the time prereleases only cost $25 (with prize support of 1.5 packs per entrant) so IDK if your local one gives better prize support or includes food or is just overcharging.
As long as you go in realizing that this is a regular REL event (you can't arbitrarily enforce a higher REL) and keep a friendly atmosphere then you should have fun. By all means enforce the rules of the game, but don't be overly concerned about other people's play. In a swiss event you get paired with people with similar records so after a couple of rounds you will be playing against players of the same skill level and shouldn't need to worry about beating people you overmatch by a large margin.
March 28, 2016 2:17 a.m.
cklise First off a dollar is pretty negligible second you do realize different areas with different wage averages and taxes charge different prices right? For EVERYTHING.
March 28, 2016 2:47 a.m.
If you are intending to get packs anyway, go to the prerelease - it's more fun and you have a chance to get additional prizes.
March 28, 2016 5:55 a.m.
Boosters r more expensive in Canada yet prerelease by me is still 30. So the extras are like a free bonus.
March 28, 2016 8:11 a.m.
EmblemMan Dalektable kipahlord13 JWiley129 TheDevicer logansullivan cklise GearNoir Gidgetimer DaftVader CChaos: my LGS is a pretty small store, so not many people will go, plus I'm planning on doing 2-HG with a friend. Does this change any opinions? Because it seems the consensus is that is isn't worth it...
March 28, 2016 8:46 a.m.
Dalektable says... #15
Alright, now let me make my argument for why prerelease is freaking sweet. So, prerelease is the first chance you get to play with the new set so it's a new experience for everyone and fun to experience new cards. And two headed giant prerelease? Even better in my opinion. If you have a good friend to go and play with, you're hard pressed to have a better time together and with magic. At Oath prerelease, my good friend and I did two-headed giant and had an amazing time, we're both good separately but together with both of our minds together fought through nearly thirty odd generally spike-y teams to a second place finish. If you enjoy limited events at all, and want to spend some time with your friends I say prerelease is totally worth it.
March 28, 2016 9:29 a.m.
logansullivan says... #16
You might be surprised about how many people will be at these things I used to be in a pretty small store in Bozeman and at the midnight pre release there was almost 100 people there so it might be more popular than you give it credit for
March 28, 2016 9:31 a.m.
Dalektable: yeah, that was my main argument for going. While 6 packs for 2.75 (booster box value) and say a $3.50 promo is $20. The questions is: Is fun playtime with a friend and new cards worth $10? I say yes.
logansullivan: no, I live in a small town, plus there are 2 LGS's in my town and the on im not going to is way more popular.
March 28, 2016 9:35 a.m.
I LOVE pre-release! It's a super-casual atmosphere, so if you don't enjoy that you'll want to avoid it. But it feels no-kidding like Christmas morning. Opening a new set for the first time, cracking both bomb and bizarre rares, getting the first feel for how the set actually plays ... all that's just great. And I find helping out new players (including players who are just now returning to the game after a long time away) to be totally rewarding too.
Keep an eye out for jerks though ... depending on your LGS, there may be people trying to prey on noobs who aren't familiar with the cards yet, trying to cheat folks on trades, etc.
March 28, 2016 10:49 a.m. Edited.
I'm not a competitive player so I don't really go there to win. The simple value of grabbing a new pool of cards and playing with them is nice. It's matter of what you enjoy doing the most.
Plus, clutch packing that foil chase rare that everyone wants to open Is a bonus as well :p
March 28, 2016 1:43 p.m.
Its official: Im going. I'll be sure to share what I pull!
March 28, 2016 6:07 p.m.
clayperce: I did 2HG, I drafted W/B Tokens/Weenies and my partner drafted R/G value. we went 2-2. got some nice pulls too!
April 4, 2016 4:28 p.m.
Ok, drafted is the wrong word but you know what I mean
April 4, 2016 4:29 p.m.
kipahlord13 says... #25
Mine was definitely worth, if not for my, for my friend. I went 2-3, only value was in my one prize pack, Thing in the Ice Flip. But my friend went 5-0, taking first place, along with a promo Sorin, Grim Nemesis. Very jealous.
EmblemMan says... #2
Normally I dont do pre release because no its not worth it for 30 bucks unless u enjoy the experience of being with people and playing the game. For SOI i might to it because the limited enviornment seems alright.
March 27, 2016 10:45 p.m.