Will there Ever Be a Legendary Phoenix?

General forum

Posted on Jan. 31, 2019, 10:31 p.m. by DemonDragonJ

In recent years, WotC has been doing an excellent job of making creature types that previously were not well-supported or playable into very popular and powerful tribes, such as hydras, sphinxes, and leviathans, mainly by making legendary and/or multicolroed representatives of those types.

However, there still has not yet been a legendary phoenix, and I very much would like to see such a creature, preferably either multicolored and/or relevant to the plot (an you imagine how awesome a black/red zombie phoenix would be)?

What does everyone else say about this? Will there ever be a legendary phoenix, a multicolored phoenix, or a phoenix that otherwise has a major role in the story?

Suns_Champion says... #2

With the exception of Pang Tong, "Young Phoenix" (lol) and a single activated ability, every pheonix in MTG is red with red abilities, so a multicolor legendary pheonix adds nothing for in tribal sense.

Also, lore wise and traditionally, pheonix are born from the ashes of a previous pheonix, so there’s very little room for a “zombie-pheonix” or a “anything-pheonix.”

I’d be all for a legendary pheonix. It should be mono red, and just a pheonix though. Why do other colors or tribes need in on something special and unique to red?

January 31, 2019 11:01 p.m.

legendofa says... #3

Suns_Champion Worldheart Phoenix stands up and raises its wing.

There are several tribes I'd like to see expanded, Skeletons foremost among them. Phoenixes do have some competition with Dragons as red's flying representatives, but they've gotten a lot of good exposure. It wouldn't surprise me to see a Legendary Phoenix soon, but it would probably be in a core set or supplementary/summer casual set.

January 31, 2019 11:34 p.m.

dbpunk says... #4

Honestly there wouldn't be much point in a multicolored Phoenix, but that doesn't mean they can't make a legendary phoenix Lord.

The other way that they've done it is by making the tribe relevant with a legendary that makes the tribe specific ability or attribute more worthwhile, which is something I see as more likely for phoenixes. Which is generally what's needed for phoenixes since the ability to come back from the graveyard under certain conditions isn't all that good in edh unless your edh is mostly about fulfilling said Phoenix's condition.

January 31, 2019 11:41 p.m.

saj0219 says... #5

How about a legendary Phoenix summoner who gives you something great every time a Phoenix leaves your graveyard?

February 1, 2019 12:01 a.m.

I'm in for the "whenever a phoenix leaves your graveyard" trigger, but on a legendary phoenix. Why not give it an ability to reanimate phoenixes and another to exile them for an impulse draw?

The set for the legendary phoenix would propably be theros 2 I guess.

February 1, 2019 1:57 p.m.

MrLizard says... #7

I am sure the Exiled with counter part of Darigaaz Reincarnated was prep for a legendary phoenix, but was moved to his because he is a flashy character from the past.

February 1, 2019 2:17 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #8

How, exactly, does a phoenix being reborn fit into red's philosophy? Usually, white, black, and green are the colors that revive creatures, so what is the flavor justification for strongly red creatures being reborn?

February 2, 2019 1:22 a.m.

DemonDragonJ: being reborn isn't exactly a red thing. But the phoenix is a firebird, and fire is very red. Even if there hadn't been any phoenixes in the game before and wotc would decide to print the first one right now, making it in any colour but red wouldn't make sense. And as being reborn from ash is a big part of the public conception of a phoenix, the card would need it.

February 2, 2019 1:36 a.m.

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