Will there Ever be Creature Versions of Rage Reflection and Thought Reflection?
General forum
Posted on April 18, 2022, 5:54 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Rhox Faithmender is a creature version of Boon Reflection, Archfiend of Despair is a creature version of Wound Reflection, and Nyxbloom Ancient is (almost) a creature version of Mana Reflection, so I am now wondering when there shall be creature versions of the two remaining cards in the "reflection" cycle: Rage Reflection and Thought Reflection.
Avatar of Slaughter is similar to rage reflection, but is not a perfect creature version of it, since it affects all creatures and also forces them to attack, and I wish to see a creature that has exactly the same rules text as the enchantment. There is no creature version of Thought Reflection, as far as I am aware.
What does everyone else say about this? Will there every be creature versions of Rage Reflection and Thought Reflection?
DemonDragonJ says... #4
Azeworai, yes, it is close, but it cannot be put in mono-red EDH decks and also grants double strike only to attacking creatures, which I severely dislike.
wallisface says... #2
There’s bound to be eventually. The rules text for them are both super generic and remain in-colour. I don’t think it’s something wotc is actively trying to do, but with the sheer amount of cards they’re making these days, these effects on creatures feel pretty inevitable.
April 18, 2022 6:23 p.m.