Worst Mechanics
General forum
Posted on May 22, 2022, 12:10 p.m. by Stardragon
I'm bored so, I'm going to be making a deck build the worst mechanic or mechanics if there's not enough to make a deck, note I'm going exclude Banding since it so convoluted and I honestly don't think it's overall bad just underwhelming and way to confusing but if I understood how it worked I think I could make a deck around it... ANYWAYS what do you guys think the worst of the worst mechanic is I'll make a around the top voted (top three if need filler).
5/22/22 10:00pm is the cut off after that i'll make the deck with the most votes and post the link here but after that ehh I'll move on
+2 for Rampage/Bushido (almost the same mechanic except Bushido can be used for def as well as atk, where rampage can only be used for atk. Both are pretty bad overall)
+1 for Cumulative Upkeep
+1 for Landhome
+1 for Radiance
+1 For Grandeur
alright the time limit has been reached and the winner is rampage will Put the link at the bottom but now it time to brew
Link: Rampaging Samurai
Grubbernaut says... #3
Remora is really the only cumulative upkeep card that stood the test of time.
May 22, 2022 12:39 p.m.
Stardragon says... #4
Grubbernaut I thought Elephant Grass was also considered good
May 22, 2022 1:06 p.m.
Depending on the flavor of "worst" you're looking for:
A lot of people tend to misinterpret Regenerate, which is probably why it got removed. Drudge Skeletons
I think Cipher and Soulshift had potential, they just didn't get any good cards, topping out at "decent" or "usable in the right deck." Trait Doctoring, Kami of Lunacy
Sweep has only four cards, and all of them are pretty weak, and not worth the cost of returning lands to your hand. Charge Across the Araba
Radiance, the original Boros mechanic in Ravnica, is awkward to use offensively and underwhelming defensively, leaving it without any good use. It has a focus on mono-color that was out of place in its home set and undesirable in any current Constructed format. Wojek Embermage
May 22, 2022 1:27 p.m.
Squee_Spirit_Guide says... #6
Poor rampage. It could have been good, it just never got put on the right creatures. It really wanted something with trample and no evasion, and ideally a requirement for your opponent to block it. Somehow casting Emerald Charm to remove flying from your Teeka's Dragon with a Lure on it never caught on...
I'll throw Islandhome into the mix. It makes sense form a flavour point of view, but it never found its way onto a creature that was worth the drawback. Plus, I like how Wizards made it a keyword and then decided to scrap it.
May 22, 2022 2:59 p.m.
The worst mechanics is definitely Orcish Mechanics because it's only a 1/1 for 3 mana and the sacrifice effect is okay but not great, especially compared to better mechanics today like Hotshot Mechanic. That's a good mechanic.
May 22, 2022 3:53 p.m. Edited.
Stardragon says... #8
legendofa like you i don't soulshift nor cypher are bad in fact they potential to be great just need better cards so i think I'll exclude them as well. Sweep could be splashed in so i keep it on mind but too few cards to consider as a deck idea
May 22, 2022 5:56 p.m.
jethstriker says... #9
In the case of Rampage, I've always thought it could've been a decent mechanic without the "beyond the first" clause. It can be a pseudo evasion because it might discourage blocking.
On Cumulative Upkeep - I think Braid of Fire has its uses in some rouge combo decks.
May 22, 2022 6:52 p.m.
I’m not sure what kind of format this deck is but if its Commander, Grandeur is pretty hilariously useless:
Baru, Fist of Krosa, Korlash, Heir to Blackblade, Linessa, Zephyr Mage, Oriss, Samite Guardian, Tarox Bladewing
May 22, 2022 8:06 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #11
I always get “populate” and “proliferate” confused; same for “intimidate” and “menace”. So, those are the ones I hate most. Those and planeswalkers. I guess that means make Atraxa superfriends...?
May 22, 2022 8:12 p.m.
Stardragon says... #12
Peoyogon yes it commander and i thought of grandeur but since i can only have one card i can't make a deck around (i mean it still has to be playable) but like Sweep i can splash it in
May 22, 2022 10:07 p.m.
plainsrunner says... #13
I made a deck that attempts to make grandeur workable (Let's make grandeur work in EDH). It relies on Clone- and Regrowth-style effects to have a copy of, for instance, Baru, Fist of Krosa on the battlefield and one in my hand to discard. It doesn't work very well, but it was a fun experiment.
Niko9 says... #2
You know, after all these years I still don't know what rampage does, and I still don't feel like looking into it, and that might just put it up there : ) Simply unimportant can be worse than being bad.
Strictly worst might be cumulative upkeep. If it was on really strong cards it would be a great way to offset them, but as is, blarg.
May 22, 2022 12:22 p.m.