Writing a Planeswalker story/roleplay, would love your all's input, care to join?

General forum

Posted on May 4, 2016, 11:43 p.m. by gavinfoxx

Hi there everyone, I'm running an interesting roleplay/writing an interesting fanfiction set in a world that resembles a (so far unnamed) M:tG plane.

It's both because the format is what is known online as a 'Quest', where the idea is that the author writes a snippet of the story, posts it on a forum, and then opens up the responses for anyone to comment on what the protagonist should do or be thinking about or considering or trying to achieve or planning, and then the author takes those discussions and votes into account when writing what the character does next. Mix and repeat as the story evolves.

So it's both a fanfiction AND a roleplay, at once.

And I need some people who are, uh, smarter than me at both the lore and the implied parts of the lore --and who know cards more than me-- to join and play! Maybe help the character make good choices? Or at least figure out what weird things are going on?

Do you want to be a Planeswalker?

The story is inspired by any of a dozen Planeswalker Self Insert stories, most that didn't go past a few posts. It seems the whole 'Are you a Planeswalker?' thing is a bit evocative.

It isn't exactly a self-insert, but I did inspire the personality and history of the character off of both me, and my understanding of a 'typical' person that spends time at the forum where I am doing the quest and similar forums, with the idea that both I and the players can easily empathize with the character.

Still, I need your help to give Timothy (who is actually a bit more of a Spike, he wants to win, dammit; losing where he is means death!) the insight and sheer intelligence and focus he needs.

I would love to get a bit of crowd-sourced wisdom. Every suggestion can be useful!

Also, the title of the quest is a bit of a clue. Not everything is as it seems.

So what is the concept of the quest like?

You wake up from your dead-end office job in an unfamiliar place, some area of wilds, with your body and mind apparently tweaked by an unknown entity. You have new senses, and notice a...familiar connection to the land around you. It is with exhilaration that you recognize you are a Planeswalker. But can you trust what you think you know? Not everything seems to match with what it should be. And you have a whole world to explore -- and more beyond. But first, you have to make the right choices, to do the right things to survive, and not attract the attention of...things you know are out there.

Care to join the Planescrawler Quest?

Here is the link to it:


JWiley129 says... #2

As a Southerner the "your all's" phrase is super jarring and way more awkward than the customary "ya'll".

Either way, Wizards just put out the Plane Shift: Zendikar which is fighting in the same space as this. I'm curious if you could reasonably do something like this and have it be an effective RP.

May 5, 2016 12:34 p.m.

primtj17 says... #3

I am well versed in the Lore of MTG, and I LOVE WRITING FANFICTION! I am pretty darn good at it and would love to help you.

May 5, 2016 1 p.m.

Count me in.

May 5, 2016 7:45 p.m.

gavinfoxx says... #5

Well, I would love to see the replies! Go ahead and register and join my quest with a reply!

May 5, 2016 8:23 p.m.

gavinfoxx says... #6

MeMinusMyself, primtj17, what are your screennames on sufficientvelocity then?

May 6, 2016 8:06 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #7

gavinfoxx I read it finally. I didn't realize you were writing a role playing scenario, which I have to say that I, personally, am not a fan of. I don't have much time to devote to you right now, but I can still help with card suggestions, when you need them

May 11, 2016 11:27 p.m.

gavinfoxx says... #8

Sorry you aren't a fan of it, care to explain what you don't like?

May 13, 2016 9:38 a.m.

The_Redpill says... #9

I don't like how that site relies on the community to move the story forward. If it were me, I would rather write it out and be done with it, if that makes sense.

If it were more like a choose your own adventure thing, I would be more fine with it. See:

You come to a crossroads. Do you go left or right? Person A chooses left, Person B chooses left, Person C chooses right, and the choices are already all predetermined and they get to move along.

As opposed to:You come to a crossroads. What do you do? Person A chooses to go right down the path, Person B chooses to go wander off the path, Person C decided they forgot something and decided to go back. In this scenario, it forces you to make up a bunch of things you probably aren't prepared to make up.

May 13, 2016 11:50 p.m.

gavinfoxx says... #10

Well it's more tallying the votes and suggestions. Have you read any of the other Quests at that forum? There are many that are done in different ways; check the popular ones.

May 14, 2016 12:09 a.m.

gavinfoxx says... #11

Well, it has a new and big update! The scene is getting a bit more crowded!

May 16, 2016 10:08 a.m.

This discussion has been closed