Wurmcoil Engine Promo's

General forum

Posted on Sept. 26, 2010, 12:33 p.m. by omgyoav

Are people considering trading for their wurmcoil engine promo's, i got different responses from here(gave it for free), people who sold it for 4$ cash, and no way's. If anybody is willing to trade me/birdseed for their promos check out our binders, thanks!

WiseHeart65 says... #2

i want some too!

September 27, 2010 11:54 a.m.

cardcoin says... #3

I've got one, and don't think I'll be needing it, so if ya are willing to accept post from Northern Ireland, fire me a message, and we can come to some kind of arrangement.

September 27, 2010 7:25 p.m.

birdseed says... #4


September 27, 2010 7:45 p.m.

omgyoav says... #5

Yeah check out the binders, no, bad birdseed, my first dibs.

September 27, 2010 7:49 p.m.

cardcoin says... #6

Message on my profile page or something like that. lol

September 27, 2010 8:09 p.m.

wallacethepig says... #7

What do you guys think of Fog decks? As far as I know, they don't have many weaknesses other than Skullcrack. Throw in some lifegain, and even burn decks can struggle to take it down. I've been testing one out with 4 Luminarch Ascension and it's been working pretty well for me. You only need to draw/cast four fogs at most (usually two or three will suffice, but only if it comes down early), and then you start pumping out Angels at a rate that would make Celestial Colonnade cry.

Do any of you run Turbo Fog decks? How well have they worked for you? What are their best and/or worst matchups?

May 18, 2015 5:05 a.m.

GoofyFoot says... #8

Well, the biggest problem with turbo fog is that it has to draw into it's wincon before it runs out of fog effects. Also, ascension is an easy obvious target to destroy, and probably the only permanent beyond lands and the tokens you will have. anyone worth their salt can just hold out till they can kill that, and eventually just beat through you.

Fog's biggest problem is that all it does is delay the inevitable. it doesn't remove creatures, it doesn't stop them from attacking. it just says no for a turn. If it only took you one turn to win, that would be great, but it won't. Maze fog only worked because it was in standard. Modern has too many answers to such "easy" problems.

May 18, 2015 6:34 a.m.

Dalektable says... #9

In my experience, many decks don't have an answer to fog. In my list, I run two win cons- Luminarch Ascension and milling out through Howling Mine. In my list I run Wrath of God as permanent creature removal as well, alongside a bunch of fogs and Isochron Scepter. I run a Mono White variant myself which you can find on my profile.

May 18, 2015 9:37 a.m.

vishnarg says... #10

I love using Luminarch Ascension as a wincon. I think that deck should be Bant to give you access to that, Path, Kami of False Hope, Remand, and of course, Fog effects. To really look at how TurboFog would fare, you have to look at the meta, and what decks would struggle against you.

Abzan: This looks like a favorable matchup. They take a few turns to drop some creatures, their Abrupt Decays don't hit much, and you prevent Goyf from hitting you for however long.

Splinter Twin: This seems average. You can prevent them from killing you when they combo off, but they have more counterspells available. It would be tough to race this deck, but it's possible especially with sideboard support.

Burn: Not a good matchup. Fog effects can't prevent them from killing you with Lightning Bolts and Lava Spikes. Your best trump to this deck would be sideboarded Spellskites and Leyline of Sanctity.

Affinity: Not bad, but it's a very fast deck. Their removal is limited however, and once you get Ascension going they'll stand no chance. I like the odds in this matchup.

That's like half the meta. I think this deck could be viable, if you do it right.

May 18, 2015 10:21 a.m.

If you like Luminarch Ascension, you might like Myth Realized as well.

To be honest, Turbo-Fog is NOT fun to play against, and it doesn't seem fun to pilot. I would not play it.

May 18, 2015 10:52 a.m.

Nephilim says... #12

Witchbane Orb is a perfect fit in Turbo Fog decks, and answers most Mill and Burn

May 18, 2015 10:55 a.m.

yad says... #13

It may be useful to pair up the fog effects with resource eating effects like Ghostly Prison and/or Sphere of Safety. This lets you get more mileage out of your fog effects while digging for your win-cons.

May 18, 2015 11:13 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #14

Abzan seems like a decent matchup because Abrupt Decay doesn't hit much....... what you mean, except every win condition you run? So do their hand disruption spells. Oh and Maelstrom Pulse.

May 18, 2015 12:22 p.m.

wallacethepig says... #15

Abrupt Decay is a pretty big problem, which makes BGx a fairly bad matchup. However, there are ways of dealing with it. Obviously, you could just play another Luminarch Ascension. It would set you back a bit, but you could pull through. If you have an Isochron Scepter on the field, then by targeting Ascension, they don't really have a way to stop Fog. And really, Abrupt Decay is their only way of stopping you, so it's a decent matchup if you play it right.

Twin's easy with a Scepter out. If you can hold out until you get a Wrath of God, you're good to go, and you can pulverize them with Angels.

Burn is especially difficult, but Leyline of Sanctity is your best friend. If you can get one of those on the field, you're usually home free.

Scapeshift can be tough to fight, too, but that's why I run 2 Riot Control. It stops them dead in their tracks, and you usually can make enough Angels to kill them before they find another Scapeshift. Again, Leyline is your friend here.

Bogles is so easy it's hilarious. They can't stop your Fog, and once you hit a Wrath you basically take out their entire hand and board state.

Control is probably the best matchup if you can actually get your Ascension out, because they have little to no enchantment removal (other than maybe Wear / Tear). Just sit back like they do and you'll either mill them out or Angel them to death. Make sure to side out your Wraths, because they'll be useless.

As for my playgroup, my biggest problem is an Orzhov deck running Crypt Ghast + Debt to the Deathless . There aren't many ways of stopping it, but if I can get a T2 Ascension, I usually do all right. Other decks include Goblins, Control, Tokens, and a homebrew Simic Midrange deck.

The best part, though, is that I usually play multiplayer. In that situation, Wrath of God and Luminarch Ascension become 3, 4, or 5 times as efficient. It's insane.

May 18, 2015 12:27 p.m.

Gruul Tron could care less about Fog, once an Eldrazi hits the board. Grixis, Jeskai, Blue Moon, and Sultai Control would have an upper hand. God, I'd hate to watch that matchup, (Control vs Fog) lol.

I mean, Turbo Fog looks like it could be fun to play and agonizing to play against. I don't think it would be competitive enough to play at a large, competitive event, but good enough for a local FNM. You never know, though!

May 18, 2015 12:32 p.m.

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