Your Elevator Pitch to Wizards
General forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2022, 4:17 p.m. by Niko9
It's a weird time for magic, to be sure, but that makes me wonder, what does everything think about it? What would be one big change, or even little change, whatever it is that would make the game feel fresh. No stipulations, no anything, I'm just curious about what you all think, I guess because the game is so wide now, many different formats, universes beyond, secret lair, and if you had one idea to throw at the whole lot of it, what would it be?
I think mine would be to look at the game and try to have more fans involved in design. A lot of cards just feel like game pieces, something to fill a slot of do a function, and I don't think that was always the case. Maybe it's just the idea to have more people involved who are thinking of cards that they themselves want to play with, yep, that could really add a lot to it. We've had some awesome and even inspired cards in recent years, and I'm glad that the spark is there, but the vast majority of new cards, to me at least, lack connection. I think that the design team needs both passionate players and people who are strictly game and balance designers, but lets start with the passionate people as much as possible and then tweak cards from there.
What do you all think? What could once change do to the current game?
My advice to Wizards: Dial it the %&@$ back!
I feel that for the most part card design is in a good place. Wizards seems to have learned from the failure of Oko and companions. But we're just getting way too much product now. There are too many new sets, too many new cards, too many new commanders. I think it risks the long-term health of the game.
I believe Wizards should release six sets a year. Four for Standard, one draft innovation (Conspiracy, Battlebond, Jumpstart, Commander Legends, etc.) and one master's set (more in line with Time Spiral Remastered then Double Masters). Each set would consist of only draft and set boosters. There should be only 4-5 full-on commander pre-cons released each year. Each set should get two commander pre-cons with only one new card (the commander) but the rest reprints, priced around $20-25. The 'commander only' cards printed in sets should stop. And card variants would be way more limited than they are now.
I think that would help the long-term health of the game and re-engage some players who have or are starting to tune-out the perpetual hype machine that Wizards has turned into.
December 16, 2022 5:54 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #4
Go back to 2-set blocks, so that mechanics and themes can be explored more. I agree 3-set blocks made Standard too stale, but 1-set blocks ruin mechanical aptitude as only one or two cards of each design make it into any decks. While it may be tempting to constantly reinvent the wheel with each set, sometimes you just need to let it ride.
Also, it's better for story development as you don't have to cram so much detail into such a short span of time.
I worry that once the current Phyrexian invasion has concluded, as with the Gatewatch / Nahiri and later on Bolas, it'll go back to 1-shot stories and mechanics that fall to the wayside.
If this is not able to be done, then I'd say reuse mechanics on other worlds. Ixalan's Rampage can easily be seen on Zendikar, and Theros' Monstrosity should rightfully have been on Ikoria.
And why the Party mechanic wasn't adapted into Forgotten Realms is beyond me.
Some, such as Saga and Adventure, have been reused. But notice these are card subtypes, and not mechanics. So those shouldn't really count in the same way.
December 16, 2022 7:36 p.m.
I agree with basically everything above.
I agree that constant one-block sets is lame but I think that varying the number of sets per block might be a good idea and should depend on location and story.
New location? Two sets.
Return? One set.
Some giant story culmination? Three sets.
All subject to change depending on what the sets/story calls for.
I'd also pitch a return to Amonkhet. :D
December 16, 2022 9:08 p.m.
marco-piatti says... #6
My 2 cents about the current state of the game:
I appreciate that every set comes with a couple of Commander precons on theme with the main set (As said above however, price should be lower and they should contain more meaningful reprints). I also like that "Commander sets" are based on other games' lore like Warhammer and D&D. I don't play either of those games but MtG has given me a chance to look at what they are based on and i've found that super amusing.
That being said, there's a lot i would improve or change: Too many products, too much and too soon is a real issue. I must admit they are good at keeping constant the power level and the (overall, taken aside the product fatigue factor) hype about each set. I'm not saying that i support the schedule full of releases, just trying to see the glass half full. Mechanics are not well explored nor supported. I guess they are going for the classic "new is always better", but i'm more the type of player that would rather have less mechanics that are super well developed than having tons and basically not having anything interesting to do with. For me the biggest let down were Inninstrad's "blood tokens", IMO it was super clever that Vampires could generate those tokens and, at the same time, use them activate some ability. In other words, having plenty of ways of using them other than simply sacking them for their own effect. In the end, only few vampires could do that and even lesser with decent effects. At the same time, exploring in depth the Madness mechanic would have made sense since it had synergized with those tokens. IMO, and it's a controversial one i know, the set would have been better with just those two mechanics related to vampires + one of their choice to make a variation on the main theme.
In terms of how many sets per year: 3 main standard set + 1 non standard legal set it's more than enough for me at least. Every set coming with related 2 commander precon. 1 per year commander only product is enough at this time, i prefer the precons rather than the sets, in that case they would count as the only non standard legal set. At last: Every year 1 set of only reprints where to find many cards that desperately need to be reprinted.
About reprints and keeping under control the value of many cards, i would advice Wotc that accessibility is a great factor and they should never underestimate that. I have many friends that tried to get into the game and got scared by the fact that many people at Lgs like to play powerful, super optimized decks which, of course, cost a lot of money. Sure you don't need to sit at the cEDH table of the shop and sure, players could always bring more than one deck to, at least try, play on the same level of others. But entry fee for EDH is like 50$ for a deck that is still at "novice level". My big issue is that "precons" are, and this is supported by the fact that they delivered new "introductory precons", NOT a real product both for beginners and established players. Just look at the Mishra precon, it's clearly complex to pilot while i admit that urza's is way more simple. The same goes for probably 2-3/4 of the warhammer ones, they are clearly not intended for someone who has just started to play the game. New introductory precons are probably a more reasonable product with lower price (then again, they could have costed a little less like 20$ max) and way easier strategy to master for a beginner. They also perform better with a minumum upgrade rather than many "usual" precons with the same upgrade budget.
December 16, 2022 9:16 p.m.
marco-piatti I know it's not the main point, but I agree 100% on blood tokens. They felt so tacked on. It not only made little sense for them to draw cards, but it also felt like a less flavorful clue token. Just off the top of my head it could be like " gives a creature +1/+1 and target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life" representing both the life force of vampires powers and the blood magic that they could do. Could even have a Dark Ritual that costs but requires a blood token sac.
Also, yes to precons being not suited to new players. I got one as a gift and was looking through it like, wow what does this deck do? They could definitely do mono color budget starter decks to go along with the precons.
December 16, 2022 10:15 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #8
“I’m not going to talk your ear off, but give a call if you have any questions. I’ll make time for you, ‘cause it’s pretty important to me.” [provides card]
December 16, 2022 10:53 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #9
December 16, 2022 11:12 p.m. Edited.
TypicalTimmy says... #10
I messed up the quote and didn't finish it with "The tasteful thickness OF IT." and this is really bothering me.
And now it is really bothering you, as well.
December 16, 2022 11:57 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #11
I made a meme of this for my friends when I started making my watermark decks. Thank you, TypicalTimmy!
December 17, 2022 1:07 a.m.
jethstriker says... #12
"Ixalan's Rampage can easily be seen on Zendikar"
What do you mean by Ixalan's Rampage? I think this is a typo because Rampage as a mechanic hasn't been reused for a very long time.
December 17, 2022 1:12 a.m.
RoarMaster says... #13
My Elevator Pitch...
"Measure twice, cut once." - Take your time with products and thoroughly test them before release. Its better to have slower releases if the environments are healthy.
"Made with Love" - Do not get card made the fastest by the lowest bidder. Give us good quality cardboard for the outrageous prices we pay for it. We shouldnt get all of these miscuts, curls, fading, etc with our cards.
"Too much of a good thing is bad." - Too many product releases dilutes interest and enthusiasm.
"Communication is key to any relationship." - Communicate with your consumer fanbase. More than just surveys of multiple choice questions. Get your hands dirty. Go all "Undercover Boss" into some LGSs and ask around for some opinions from the streets about players thoughts on things.
"Whats good for the gander is good for the goose." - Happy players and happy collectors make for happy shareholders. Treat the playerbase right and they will treat you right. That involves some transparency and a lot of communication.
"Consistency, consistency, consistency..." - Secret Lairs are cool and all, but can we get some consistency regarding both product material quality, usability or value of cards in the SL, and shipping times?
"That boy ain't right." - Magic 30th was just... both foolish and disrespectful. And I will just leave it at that.
Oh yeah,, TypicalTimmy They probably mean Enrage.
December 17, 2022 4:15 a.m.
marco-piatti says... #14
TypicalTimmy i have to return some Dominaria United booster boxes
December 17, 2022 4:49 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #15
Yup. Meant Enrage.
Kudos to everyone for seeing that mistake!
Yisan says... #2
More reprints of high value highly played cards but print less product annually. It's ok to let time pass between sets and put out less products, its not ok that a cardboard rectangle is 100$+. The amount of product isn't a barrier to new players but price is.
December 16, 2022 4:35 p.m.