Cube Your Own Standard

The Kitchen Table forum

Posted on May 31, 2015, 9:41 p.m. by Jay

Most of my friends have sort of fallen out of touch with Magic. They still enjoy it and all, but other hobbies or priorities have put MtG on the backburner, and they missed enough in their absence as to be disinterested in the new Standard, the changed Modern meta, and so forth. Our solution to this problem was the conception of a new format, one we can enjoy together indefinitely:

Cube Your Own Standard

This is to be a combination of a Cube and a Builid Your Own Standard: A set of 1500 cards which serves both as a physical cube and a list of legal cards for our deck construction. We collectively share 1 copy of each card, always on hold for the cube, and independently build decks using the same list. Those decks follow the same rules as any other Standard. It's split up thus:

100 Mythics
300 Rares
500 Uncommons
600 Commons

My friends and I are each going to be in charge of one color, 2 guilds, 1 shard, and 1 clan. We'll collaborate on everthing, but be primarily in charge of our own combinations.

We have some loose guidelines, as we don't just want this to be Modern Jr., so we're not allowing 2-card infinite combos, putting a per-card price limit of $30, and we're keeping the power level down enough so nothing can reliably win turn 4.

Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to better run and manage this format? Anybody think they might try this with their friends? Please discuss, because I'd like to get this streamlined and buildable as soon as possible!


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