Legacy Deck Help MTG Forum
New to the format -- What to build? (Closed)
Combo, mardu (Closed)
Sideboarding (Closed)
Viable MB Discard? Need Help (Closed)
Legacy Counterburn help! (Closed)
Help with Prophet Post deck (Closed)
Dig Through Time Replacements? (Closed)
Black Control (Closed)
Modern to Legacy (Closed)
Legacy Goblins (Closed)
Help with Naya Control deck (Closed)
Nic Fit (Closed)
Duress Vs Inquisition of Kozilek (Closed)
Daze vs Misdirection (Closed)
Nic Fit help (Closed)
Manaless Dredge sideboard help (Closed)
Cloaked Guardians - Green/White (Closed)
Trying to Build a Black/White Deck (Closed)
Creature fetch in RW (Closed)
legacy burn, trying out the format (Closed)
Legality Help (Closed)
new to legacy (Closed)
FUN Deck need suggestions. (Closed)
How about Moat? (Closed)
Legacy TurboFrog: Need Help (Closed)
Sulfur Elemental in Sideboard? (Closed)
Legacy aggro deck needs YOUR help. (Closed)
Lands wincons (Closed)
Esper Reanimate (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Any cheap mana permanent with "Shuffle your library"?
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- Engineering my vampire deck
- Getting back into Legacy
- Squirrels in legacy
- Can my deck be converted to legacy with any success?
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