Bant Deathblade Help
Legacy Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 13, 2016, 5:09 p.m. by mtgmanatee
Does anyone play Bant Deathblade and could help with sideboarding, here is my list, Bant Deathblade
mtgmanatee says... #3
fluffybunnypants My meta is a lot of lands, shardless, miracles, and delver.
November 13, 2016 7:09 p.m.
You've basically gotta understand what your opponents decks are trying to do. Against lands, they're either going to A) Punishing fire you out, or B) make a 20/20 and smack you dead. For A), you want to keep them off balance. You want batterskull asap, and you want to make sure they don't get to double punishing fire it. Wasteland their Grove's, counter their loams or punishing fires for a few turns, and kill em before they stabilize. For case B, you're going to have to stick a quick JTMS. Well, assuming you hit the swords to plowshares and they're sitting at around 35-40 life. If you didn't, it's GG. As far as sideboard goes, not sure. I've seen stuff like Rest in Peace slow em down, but it sure doesn't stop em. I don't really think you can stop the deck. Just gotta go faster than it and keep it off balance.
For Miracles, the other control deck, it's about managing your threats. You don't want to over commit because then you're losing too much when they get a terminus off. As far as sideboarding goes, in bant.... i'd probably want 2-3 copies of Krosan Grip. Kills counterbalance... usually. Don't forget that while they can't actually respond with sensei's top to the Grip, they are still allowed to trigger Counterbalance even with split second. And if it's a three drop, well, countered.
For shardless, it's all about card advantage. Honestly, shardless is very, very advantaged in this matchup. You aren't likely to win game one, and you really aren't going to find a sideboard card to stuff em for post board games, since they are also rocking sb cards for midrange matchups. In this matchup, you are the agressor, no if's, ands, or buts about it. You need to come in swinging hard and fast. You may want to take some advice from Maverick and run something like Sylvan Safekeeper to give your guys protection from shardless' spells. Not really sure.
As far as delver goes, cheap interaction is obviously the way to go. However, in your colors... it's a bit rough. Honestly? I'd stick 2-3 copies of Path to Exile in. People (other than miracles), aren't running more than 2-3 basics anyway, and even if they get them, they're still getting color screwed. Especially delver decks, which are super, super greedy, and want to be bouncing islands to Daze. Tight play is going to win you more matchups vs. delver then your sideboard will.
November 14, 2016 10:03 p.m. Edited.
mtgmanatee says... #6
kyuuri117, I am wondering how to play combo/cheat in decks Sneak Attack decks are easy to beat but I am wondering about other combo matchups. Also, do you know anything about Esper Stoneblade?
November 15, 2016 4:55 p.m.
Esper has better combo matchups b/c of thoughtseize.
That being said, if you're having trouble with combo decks, stuff like Meddling Mage is accessible in your colors.
November 15, 2016 7:05 p.m.
mtgmanatee says... #8
kyuuri117 I splash black for Thoughtseize and Leovold, Emissary of Trest
fluffybunnypants says... #2
Sideboarding in Legacy is a complex thing with a lot of variables. Are their matchups you're looking to beat, do you have a meta in mind, what does your mainboard look like, is there any additional info you can provide so we can be of better assistance to you?
Alternatively, are you playing another deck and having issues beating Bant Deathblade?
November 13, 2016 6:26 p.m.