Scroll Rack

Legacy Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 26, 2015, 12:53 p.m. by smackjack

Why isn't Scroll Rack played more in legacy? Seems really powerful to me, giving you a new hand each turn if you can keep up with your fetches. It also places cards on top of your library, to protect you from Thoughtseize and to abuse miracles. Seems like a card that would be good in almost any combo deck, yet no decks play it. Wouldn't it be a good card in Miracles? Omnitell could play it instead of dig? Am i missing something?

Now, as this is the deck help forum, do you think Scroll Rack is good in my deck Tipping the scale? And should one play two, three or four copies?

movezig5 says... #2

October 26, 2015 12:58 p.m.

smackjack says... #3

Is top really that much better? Seems like there are many situations where Scroll Rack is better.

October 26, 2015 1:02 p.m.

TehCoopeh says... #4

Scroll rack only works in Miracles if they're playing one spell a turn. Top can rearrange the top cards indefinitely, and has much more of a controlled draw. Moving the top three and drawing just the one you want is much better than Scroll Racking for three cards, and have Terminus be the second or third card you draw.

Maybe scroll rack would be played in Miracles more if Jace didn't fill in the void of infinite Brainstorms and also offer a win con.

October 26, 2015 1:41 p.m.

smackjack says... #5

Ok, being able to tap on your opponents turn to draw a card is very good for Miracles, and Scroll Rack doesn't even draw the cards so you cant use it to do miracle stuff.

Now, this being a deck help thread, lets move away from miracles to a goofier lockdown deck, Tipping the scale. I play 2 Terminus but thats it when it comes to miracle cards. 4x Brainstorm, 4x Scroll Rack and 3x Jace, the Mind Sculptor seems like enough support for the 2 miracles.

So.. How does Scroll Rack help the deck when it comes to assembling the lock? First, as I mentioned before, it can hide cards from your hand. Tipping the scale is a deck with a 2 card soft lock and being forced to discard a key card is really bad. Miracles is a grindy deck, but Tipping the scale needs to find the lock pieces fast. In the early stages of the game i think Scroll Rack is better than Sensei's Divining Top because you will have more cards in hand. 4 Ancient Tomb allows me to play it turn 1.

When the lock is assembled both players will play very few spells. I will build up my hand and each card is more value when activating Scroll Rack.

So. What about Scroll Rack in a deck like mine? Would Sensei's Divining Top still be better?

October 26, 2015 2:10 p.m.

titanreaver says... #6

I personally think you are fine using Scroll Rack. I find it to be better in decks that either need to dig deeper but can live with the fact that it only works once a turn. Now in the past people have paired it with things like Land Tax so you get a shuffle every turn but with your fetches you should be alright.

I also love scroll rack by the way so I might be a bit biased towards it. However that being said it is less mana intensive in the long run to see more stuff so that's good for you I think.

October 26, 2015 5:17 p.m.

smackjack says... #7

Yeah, ive been playtesting a lot and it works really well in the deck. I like the land tax synergies, you basically get to draw 3 cards each turn if you have less lands. However, i need to be able to play my lands in this deck so i dont think that combo is a fit. Im gonna try out Tax Rack as a completely different deck tho :)

October 27, 2015 12:42 p.m.

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