Slaughter Games in Legacy

Legacy Deck Help forum

Posted on May 30, 2016, 2:51 a.m. by Wiktul

Hello everyone, I'd like to check your opinions about adding one or two Slaughter Games into sideborad for controll deck like Delver against Miracles (in the first place), Blood Moon or even Show&Tell.

Even in heavy controll version of BUG I tend to loose counter wars against Miracles, which are usually made with notning more than Sensei, Angels and counters and cantrips. With Slaughter Games cast before angels are played, the deck is crashed. The very same things seems to wait for other mentioned above (I know, Show&Tell is cmc 3, but I can handle with the first one before I cast or dig for a Slaughter).

The card is cmc 4, what seems to be far too much for a deck with average cmc 2 and Dark Confidant in the main, but that is also true for things like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and possibility to win the game - or at least disarm enemy very badly without any chance of answering to it - seems worth considering. Your thoughts? :)

grumbledore says... #2

If you're in BUG or anyhing , discard plus Surgical Extraction (or even Extirpate if you don't want it countered) seems like a better bet. I love Slaughter Games, don't get me wrong... But it's damn slow at 4cmc. Even in modern which is supposed to be a turn 4 format. I don't see it doing much in legacy where a good number of decks can go off turn 1 or 2.

May 30, 2016 3:41 a.m.

Wiktul says... #3

I see your general point, but against miracle deck discard is no good (or at least not an easy task, as well as countering antels), nor is Extirpate (to exile it from grave I'd have to put it there in the first place, what brings us back to counter-wars issue).

As I said above - sure, Slaughter Games is very expensive by legacy standards, but I'm not going to side it against turn-1-win decks, like Storm or Reanimation, but against slower match ups like Miracles or Show&Tell, what is exactly what I'd do with Jace, the Mind Sculptor which cost also 4. Being 1 or 2 of in the side against specifict match up, granting almost instant win when casted without any chance of responding to it for the opponent, is - in my opinion - what can be described as "doing much in legacy" ;)

May 30, 2016 6:14 a.m.

zandl says... #4

I've seen City of Solitude do a lot of work against Miracles. If it resolves, they lose about half their efficiency.

But yeah; Slaughter Games just seems too slow. The biggest problem I see with it is that you'd need to cast it multiple times to win the game with it. Naming any countermagic or even Entreat the Angels isn't going to kill the deck, especially once they get Top online.

May 30, 2016 1:37 p.m.

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