The Terrible Red Dwarf Tribal (NEED HELP)

Legacy Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 24, 2016, 10:37 p.m. by Osmodias

Alright, well let's have a bit of a back story here. I've just recently got myself back into Magic and wanted to ease my way back in, so of course (I think we've all done it.) I looked up some Budget Builds here on the site. Found one that looked entertaining, rolled with it, built it. And oh my jolly goodness did I get stomped at my own Kitchen Table. So bad, I took my Cat, hid in the closet and pretended I was in Narnia.

Moving on...

Here's the deck build.

Red Dwarf Terrible Tribal

I honestly just feel like for something that's supposed to play aggro, and move quickly, it moves slow and not hard at all. Sorta like Snails doing it in Peanut Butter.

The Dwarven Recruiter and Reforge the Soul Mechanic works half decently, but other than that... It just seems to crumble and act more like a bunch of Drunk Dwarves at a Keg Party.

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