What can i build (UWr card pool)?
Legacy Deck Help forum
Posted on March 13, 2016, 11:01 a.m. by smackjack
I have 2 legacy decks, Death & Taxes and Tipping the Scale. I have all the cards, except one Volcanic Island in Tipping the Scale.
I want to try something new without having to buy more cards. What would you build using cards from these 2 decks? Other cards that i own that might fit is 4 Snapcaster Mage and 2 Vendilion Clique (that i would like to pair with my Karakas). Also 2 Mox Diamond. You can include cheap cards that are not in these decks, like Lightning Bolt, but nothing expensive. Big plus if the list includes 4 Standstill, seems fun :)
In all honesty, if you want to try out something new you're better off goldfishing and playtesting online first. If you actually want to take your decks to a different direction, it helps to know what before you start mucking about. Then you can just start trading for what you need.
March 13, 2016 12:56 p.m. Edited.
Stifle, Phyrexian Dreadnought and Standstill. You can use moxes to fuel the combo on turn 1 and snapcasters for additional control and lategame power.
You already have FoW and the lands, so you have the most pricey pieces.
Making it UW will allow to have more control and better sb.
You can also add other cards like Cloudform or Soul Summons to help cast dreadnought and other threats cheaply. You can easily stack the deck with Brainstorm and other cantrips.
March 14, 2016 5:19 a.m.
This is what i managed to put together with the cards i have.
UWr stoneblade
Remember, its just cards i own. I would love to replace stalker with nemesis, but i dont want to spend money on this deck :).
Is there something im missing or something that should not be in a deck like this (im thinking Geist, is he good enough?)
EndStepTop says... #2
Miracles, stoneblade and landstill are the 3 that pop into my head. You can try uwr delver but it's pretty bad. If you search mtgtop8 you'll easily find lists for the former, I've also played both and could help with your build (albeit I played esper stoneblade). Landstill primers and discussions float around reddits legacy subreddit and mtgthesouce. Personally I'd suggest stoneblade, it's much easier for beginers to pick up than miracles and has better matchups across the board than landstill.
March 13, 2016 12:26 p.m.