Are Goblins Still Good In Legacy
Legacy forum
Posted on July 25, 2016, 11:35 p.m. by Matthews_Decks
Let me start off by saying I love playing goblins. I've been playing magic for about 6 mounths now and im thinking about playing legacy. I've been doing reserch and every one says that goblons aren't as good as they used to be is that true? Are goblins even worth playing and investing in or would it just be a waste of money? And what tier are they? Like I said im new to legacy and I was just wondering if you all had some answers to these questions. Thanks a ton for any feed back.
Matthews_Decks says... #3
Thank you so much for your feed back. Do you think I could do well at my lgs on legacy night or do you think goblins aren't good enough to do when in that environment? And do you have any tips on playing goblins in legacy?
July 25, 2016 11:56 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #4
Whether or not the deck is good in your environment depends on what your opponents will be playing. The deck accells in control oriented environments, so decks like Miracles, Lands, D&T. If the meta game is more midrangy with a bunch of delver decks, infect, things like that, then goblins isn't the most optimal choice, but is still a 3-2 average. However the deck is very poor against combo decks and decks that are just generally faster than it is, such as storm, zoo, reanimator, onmisneak, or elves. The deck is good enough to 5-0, but as is the case with most decks, your wins aren't guaranteed and need to come from your skill as a pilot as well as luck in general.
If i'm honest, the Goblins deck isn't my play style - I play Nic Fit - and I would have zero confidence in piloting it. If you would like to pick up some more information (Infinitely more), then check out the primer on TheSource forums. You don't need to read all 500 pages, the main post appears to have been updated quite a bit over the years.
July 26, 2016 12:11 a.m.
First of all, nothing is a waste of time or money if you love playing them. Contrary to what many people say Magic is about having fun, not winning with the best deck. I play decks I know are not as good as others on purpose because I simply enjoy the decks, it's fun to me. Now having said that, there are some goblins that will be pricey but most are super inexpensive. Goblins can be great if played right. Goblin Sharpshooter is great as well as Goblin Fireslinger and of course Goblin Guide. Wait, then there's the Krenko cards, and others. There are a lot of great goblins! I made a really sweet deck online before spamming goblin tokens with sorceries and used Krenko, Mob Boss and then I topped it off with Voracious Dragon which is always a surprise in a goblin deck and is incredible. Another great card is Mogg Infestation, Goblin Grenade, wait I could just keep going on and on. You should play goblins. If your wanting to play strictly goblin deck in legacy, you probably wont do so well considering there are some super broken decks in legacy people invest a lot in. If you want to play goblins, competitively, splash them in another competitive deck.
August 17, 2016 7:44 a.m.
Matthews_Decks says... #6
OK thanks that makes a lot of sense I appreciate the advice a ton. Thank you.
Servo_Token says... #2
Goblins in legacy doesn't particularly play the traditional goblins game of just running dudes out, killing them sometimes, and getting the opponent dead. It is very similar to a death and taxes deck without the taxes. Basically to make the creature plan work, it needs to run a mana denial plan to knock the opponent off enough to get your little dudes to stick.
It's still a deck that sees some play, but most of that comes from people that built the deck when it was great and haven't changed decks since. If you really wanted to get into it, it's a fine choice and is entirely capable of taking down tournaments, but there's several decks that are far in front of it in terms of 'decks that are better for a new player to pick up'.
However, Legacy is a format where you play what you love. If you are sincere about your affinity for goblins, then by all means, go for it.
In terms of Tier, it's a tier 3 deck because D&T is the "strictly better" variant of the type of gameplan that the deck has. It's still full of cards that see lots of play, and I would say that is would be worth the investment if you hold on to it for a long time.
This deck recently took top 8 in a large tourney. I played the guy who ran it in the modern event (ran some games of legacy afterward), and he is one of those that had been playing it for 8+ years; he was very crisp and concise in all of his play. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and what he could do every turn. That's really the way you need to play the deck. If you do decide to pick it up, you need to play it a lot and get extremely familiar with it to expect any sort of results.
July 25, 2016 11:49 p.m. Edited.