Because Show and Tell costs money
Legacy forum
Posted on Dec. 13, 2012, 5:32 p.m. by Rhadamanthus
Way back in college I built a Stronghold Gambit deck to play in unsanctioned "no format" tournaments at a couple shops around town, and got consistent Top-4 finishes when I played it. Many years later I re-made it for an SCG Open and got completely flattened, since at that time I still knew nothing about what competitive Legacy really was (I had learned equally valuable lessons about Standard the previous day).
So several years after that, I'm still wondering whether this is actually worth a shot. It seems like it should work, right? A 2-mana spell that says "do whatever you want, go nuts" should be good. Yeah, you have to do some work to get set up, but so does every other deck out there.
The list hasn't been updated since I very first posted it on Tapped Out, and is based on how the deck looked at that SCG Open. The mana base is a complete joke and the Sideboard is barely worth sleeving.
Speak freely when commenting on the deck and giving suggestions for changes. When I say "changes", I mean I would prefer suggestions along the lines of "-x This, +x That", not just a list of things to add. Including your reasoning behind those suggestions would also be very helpful.