[Community Discussion]: Legacy Chat
Legacy forum
Posted on May 6, 2015, 9:47 p.m. by Epochalyptik
This thread is dedicated entirely to Legacy. Feel free to post your thoughts on the meta, ideas for your next decklist, and just chat generally about the format!
Of course, you can always start a new thread if you're interested in discussing one particular aspect of the format; this thread should be used for the quick thoughts and informal questions about the format.
This discussion will be ongoing; you are free to post here as long as you're on topic.
This is NOT a deck help thread. Please do not spam deck help requests.
Does anyone feel like helping me create a Bant Standstill list? I know that the usual Standstill lists are either UR or BUG, but I wanted to mess around with Shardless Agent.
For win cons, I was thinking 2 JTMS, and 3-4 copies of Rest in Peace along with Helm of Obedience.
Shardless Agent, aside from being able to cascade into Standstill and Ancestral Vision, can cascade into Rest in Peace, as well as Enlightened Tutor in order to find one of the two combo pieces.
So far this is what i'm thinking
4x Deathrite Shaman (Will probably toss one black land in here, but regardless of that, he accelerates Shardless as well as fights Dredge, Reanimator, Lands, Loampox, Aggroloam. Though to be fair, he becomes useless when a RiP enters the field, so I dunno.
3-4 Standstill
2-3 Rest in Peace
I'm not at all sure about the numbers here, and i'm well aware that Standstill decks are usually control decks, not combo, with a much heavier counterspell suite. But if anyone's interested in messing around with this, would be helpful.
August 10, 2016 9:19 p.m. Edited.
And 4x Brainstorm. I did not forget brainstorm. Nope.
My concern with the list above is that it just doesn't have enough permission or answers. Shardless means the deck wants answers over counterspells, but those aren't running rampant in bant.
August 10, 2016 9:27 p.m. Edited.
GeminiSpartanX says... #4
Playing 4 StP in a Shardless Agent deck doesn't seem like the best idea, but playing Standstill seems counter-intuitive to what you're trying to do. If you plan to interact with the board via playing spells, Standstill seems like the wrong direction to take. Besides, you have AV already, which should be enough as long as you don't cascade into blanks.
August 11, 2016 6:27 a.m.
malfeischylde says... #5
You know what I think, already. Standstill is for control what av is for shardless midrange.
August 22, 2016 9:43 p.m.
malfeischylde says... #6
@GeminiSpartanX: miracles is a beatable deck. It's all about where you try to beat it and through which margins. The bigger issue isn't beating miracles, it's making a deck that can do that and still handle other meta decks, and elrazi stompy. There's a fine line to walk.
August 22, 2016 9:50 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #7
malfeischylde- It feels like Miracles is really tough for a deck that doesn't play green (Krosan Grip, Abrupt Decay). I play Sneak & Show, and it seems like every game comes down to whether I'm on the play and have the Spell Pierce for either half of their lock on turns 1 or 2.
August 23, 2016 6:17 a.m.
malfeischylde says... #8
GeminiSpartanX Truth. Yeah, sneak and show has a tough g1, especially on the draw. Your sneak costs 4 and show costs 3, and creatures can be swordsed. I understand the frustration. It's real with that particular deck.
August 23, 2016 8:45 a.m.
Depends what you're asking about.
If you're asking about MUD, then sorta. It's tier 3, meaning that if you play it in the right meta, it's fantastic, and if you play it in the wrong meta, you're gonna be wrecked. On top of that, it's very inconsistent. When it's working well, it's super strong. But it can just fail to do anything relevant as well, and you can't control your draws.
The other artifact deck I can think of is Tezzerator. Its an odd deck. Kind of control, kind of stax. Very damn slow to do anything relevant. But it can also win games.
If you're thinking something like modern affinity....it exists, but it's garbage.
October 24, 2016 6:54 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #11
I dunno, I've seen Legacy Affinity ultimate Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas turn three... The deck can be absolutely nuts, really. The artifact lands make Tezzeret and Cranial Plating bonkers. I think it's underplayed.
October 24, 2016 10:58 p.m.
Senserazer says... #12
I put Dragonlord Kolaghan into my LED Dredge instead of Flame-Kin Zealot because he is awesome witht eh 2x Prized Amalgam I also added. Dread Return Kolaghan, trigger Amalgams, pitch Amalgams to Cabal Therapy triggering Bridge from Below's attacking with army of hasty zombies. In case you didn't hit your jellyfish.
December 2, 2016 7:11 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #13
Amalgrams enter in your end step, if you want to pitch them to anything it has to be either instant speed or you have to wait a full turn. :>
December 3, 2016 3:50 a.m.
Senserazer says... #14
True! Think I missread it the first time around, have only been testing this way, so thanks for the headsup!
December 3, 2016 4:40 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #15
sure, no problem. Amalgram is still a great card, but I guess it's better for manaless dredge imo.
Still, I'd be interested in your decklist. Could you link it?
December 3, 2016 4:45 a.m.
Senserazer says... #16
It's a very standard list, right now it is reverted back to Street Wraiths over Amalgams, but they just swap out 2 for 2. Le'Dredge
December 3, 2016 6:19 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #17
I don't really like BigG here, because he doesn't win on the spot. It's personal preference because my local meta is very agressive. I'd put in another Streetwraith. Also: Why are you not running probe? Best card, you need the information.
December 3, 2016 6:29 a.m.
Senserazer says... #18
it's between wraiths and probes. Probes give info for Cabals (which also give info ofc), and Wraiths pitch to Ichorid.
December 3, 2016 11:51 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #19
Could this guy:
be a tool for Aluren? It would work like Witness, but instead of putting into hand, the card would enter the battlefield directly.
January 4, 2017 4:15 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #20
As long as you had the fetchland for that turn, I can see it doing work in Aluren. I think it has many applications across all the formats, especially in decks running AEther Vial.
January 4, 2017 6:16 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #21
even if not with a fetch, but if you bounce cavern harpy it still triggers. Or any other bounce.
January 4, 2017 6:18 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #22
This thread seems to only get love once a month it seems, but hopefully I'll get some feedback anyway. My lgs is having it's first small legacy event next Monday evening, and I don't know which deck to use. The expected meta is a bunch of eldrazi decks with 1 storm deck, 1 grixis delver, and possibly 1 miracles or 1 Sneak & Show thrown in as well. I have access to Sneak and Show, Burn, and Infect, and I'm wondering which one is best against a mostly eldrazi field, but can hold it's own against the other decks too. Any advice would be great!
February 23, 2017 8:09 a.m. Edited.
I'd say sneak and show. Infect and burn will get hosed by chalice of the void, and while ou can get screwed over by not casting your cantrips, you also just go bigger than them if you go off.
Storm is gonna go faster than you, but you should have some game vs delver and miracles, depending on whether miracles is playing karakas or not.
Edit: turn 2 thought knot seer is still going to fuck over your day, but tbh that's every deck.
Edit 2: for your meta, I would stick a full 4 back to basics into your sideboard.
February 23, 2017 12:49 p.m. Edited.
EndStepTop says... #24
I agree with SnS. SnS can run blood moon IIRC, which is preferable to B2B to hose Drazi, and a lesser extent infect.
February 23, 2017 2:17 p.m.
Back to basics is better than blood moon vs eldrazi in general because with blood moon they can still cast 60% of their spells. Now, against sneak and show, they're probably dead before that if your hand is at all decent, but if your meta is mostly eldrazi and you want to mess around with other blue decks then back to basics is the better card to buy.
February 24, 2017 10:18 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #26
I'll end up using Blood Moons just b/c I already own those most likely. If I can drop them turn 1 or 2 against Eldrazi I think it will buy me enough time even if they get a chalice on 1 down. I'm wondering if a SB Smash to Smithereens would be good enough in this meta to kill a chalice or a Pithing Needle naming Sneak Attack?
February 24, 2017 11:32 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #27
So I ended up playing Sneak and Show, and split for 1st place with the only other undefeated player from the 8 that showed up to the event! It was just a small FNM sort of thing, but the competition was tough. I won round 1 against a 4-color deathblade variant due to him getting mana screwed both games (I guess even with dual lands 4 colors is tough?). Round 2 I beat ANT thanks to my 1 MD Flusterstorm and Leyline of Sanctity out of the SB. Round 3 was against UW stoneblade which would have been a win for him if we didn't split, but also would have been a win for me if I had realized a certain interaction in game 2 after winning game 1. I had 6 mana available to me, a Wipe Away in hand and a Sneak Attack on the field against his Containment Priest and 4 open mana. I started by bouncing his priest, but then realized he could flash it back in (forgot about the flash). Out of frustration I just passed the turn instead of realizing that I could activate Sneak Attack a 2nd time in response to him flashing back in his Priest to get my Emrakul into play (he had no other relevant interaction in hand). So in a way, I would have won that match as well. I really just need more practice I guess.
Thanks for the help in deck selection!
February 28, 2017 8:29 a.m. Edited.
Guinessthemenace says... #28
Hi all, I have a question and was wondering if anyone can answer it. Will the price of the format drop down any to allow growth for more players? It took me 3 years to complete elf combo but I can find anywhere local to actually play it.
March 15, 2017 2:44 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #30
The format will only get more expensive the longer it exists because of the reserved list. If duals had the price of shocks, everyone would be playing it.
Just as an example: 3 years ago i bought a Gaea's Cradle in german EX+ for 90Euro. Now it's 120Euro.
March 15, 2017 6:07 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #31
Guinessthemenace- Like epicfreddi said, any cards on the reserve list will likely hold their higher prices as long as Magic remains a popular game. The only way I see reserve list cards dropping in price is if Magic suddenly loses value as a whole due to people quitting, or the format loses absolutely all support from stores everywhere. On the other hand, non-reserve list cards can drop in price due to being reprinted. For example, Wasteland is at an all time low due to Eternal Masters so I'd pick those up right now before the prices rebound. In fact, if there are any playables at all that you want out of the eternal masters set I'd pick them up soon since I doubt the prices are going to go any lower.
March 15, 2017 6:23 a.m.
Guinessthemenace says... #32
That all makes sense to me but its sad that I can't find anywhere to play legacy. I put in my time and money to build a deck that I love to play. It just sits on my desk in a box. I bought a eternal masters pack for $10 and pulled a Mother of Runes. As for as Wasteland I have 4 copies from weatherlight.
March 15, 2017 3:43 p.m.
Sorry you can't find anywhere to play man, that sucks. Though if there are ever any GP's or SCG opens near you, you can always go (regardless of the main format) and play in legacy side events all weekend.
Different note, if anyone wants to check it out, I'm making a completely white bordered legacy burn list (except for the mountains, they're gonna be black bordered).
March 15, 2017 8:05 p.m.
/shrug, why not? I like the way it looks. And it's burn. That extra tilt factor isn't irelivant.
March 16, 2017 11:44 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #36
Get a blue deckbox, use green sleeves and use a Marit Lage Token to seperate your SB from your MB. This way you have the ultimate tilting machine.
March 16, 2017 11:59 a.m.
McSleuthburger says... #37
kyuuri117 I dont know whether I should shake your hand or throw up because of white borders. I need to see the deck once you have it all white bordered in one picture to really take it in.
March 18, 2017 9:52 p.m.
EpicFreddi says... #38
So from a scale from 1 to Top is banned, how dead is Miracles?
April 24, 2017 10:53 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #40
Can someone link me to the announcement? I'm super stoked if miracles is leaving the format! Although I'm somewhat sad to see it go now that burn has the perfect hatebear against it.
April 24, 2017 11 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #41
April 24, 2017 11:04 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #42
Dang it's been awhile since anyone's been here.
It seems like the grixis delver lists are slowly getting bigger. A year ago, almost all lists played 4 Young Pyromancer. Then some started playing 1 True-Name Nemesis or Vendilion Clique. Now a few lists have appeared playing 2 True-Name Nemesis.
At what point does someone sleeve up a deck playing 4 True-Name Nemesis and 0 pyromancer? It could be good.
July 15, 2017 3:58 p.m.
Think the point is to diversify threats. 4tnn leads to engineered plagues in multiples in sideboards, or multiple marsh casualties, or some other side board hoser.
July 16, 2017 9:03 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #44
ToolmasterOfBrainerd - Grixis will always run Peezy if only because Cabal Therapy + Young Pyromancer is the freaking tits. I would certainly expect an uptick in creatures that are hard to remove like True-Name Nemesis and Gurmag Angler across the format because Fatal Push is a hell of a card and Terminus doesn't see nearly as much play anymore.
July 18, 2017 7:26 p.m.
If anyone is interested, i'm selling/trading most of my Sun/Moon modern deck, including some legacy staples in the deck like chalice's, emrakul, spirit guides, etc.
July 23, 2017 1:54 p.m.
Per the above, i'm also selling 4 Future Sight goyf's at a good discount, it's in another thread in the trading post.
July 23, 2017 3:46 p.m.
ZomBee_Hunt says... #47
I know its a ways a way, but I am already looking forward to GP Seattle to play some main event Legacy. What does everyone think the Meta is going to look like then.
I played a side event at GP Portland and just in the 20-50 players in the two side events there were a lot of D&T, Delver (Variations).
In my side event I played (the other I watched) I went against Portent Miracles, Nic Fit, Czech Pile, and D&T.
December 5, 2017 3:48 p.m.
Jalverastegui says... #48
Please let me know your thoughts, I just bought a Gaea’s Cradle to use it in my Vintage/Legacy W or WB Weenie deck or my Colorless Artifact deck. is it a good move?
March 22, 2020 10:08 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #49
Jalverastegui Depends. What kind of creatures are you playing? Do you have a good use for a bunch of green mana?
Cradle doesn't see much legacy play outside of Elves and Maverick, but it could still be a very potent piece of tech.
March 23, 2020 12:04 a.m.
Jalverastegui says... #50
Thanks buddy, I mainly play cheap 1 or 2 mana creatures and build up mana to drop big angels like Linvala, Avacyn, Elesh, etc... or drop enchantments like Crusade or Bad Moons (on Weenie WB).
EndStepTop says... #1
Rumor has it that there was a ban list change for legacy, but it's cmc was 2 and the Miracles player was floating snapcaster.
July 19, 2016 9:02 p.m.