Difference between stoneblade and deathblade decks?
Legacy forum
Posted on Nov. 23, 2014, 12:56 p.m. by tyforthevenom
What is the key difference?
A google search gave me this:
V. Reasons to Deathblade over other Stoneforge Decks
a.) Esper Stoneblade The major difference between the traditional Esper Stoneblade variant and the newcomer, Deathblade, is the inclusion of Deathrite Shaman and the subsequent broadening of the deck's mana base into a fourth color, green. Deathrite brings a lot of power to the deck by virtue giving the deck a means of mana acceleration, clock in the form of the second mode, and life gain in the third mode. This is all coupled with the power of interacting with opposing graveyards. The mana acceleration can power you into turn 2 Geist of Saint Trafts and turn 3 Jace, the Mind Sculptors. This means Deathblade can functionally curve out one full turn faster than Esper Stonebalde can. This is at the price of a slightly less stable mana base. In effort to add all of the functionality of Deathrite, a very dual heavy mana base is played. Some other notable difference are that Deathblade gains access to the uncounterable Abrupt Decay. This is often an all star. Deathblade lists have been omitting the traditional staple Lingering Souls. Overall Deathblade can be a bit faster and has the additional upside of having preboard graveyard interaction at cost of a more complex mana base.
b.) UW Stoneblade Most of the points made above about the differences between Esper Stoneblade and Deathblade are the same as those between UW and UWR Stoneblade variants. Deathrite allows faster starts, preboard graveyard interaction, and a clock. This basically makes him a turn one, must answer threat. In the UW context, you really have to determine if you are playing against UW Stoneblade or UW Vaporblade. The former is a less flexible version of Deathblade with a more solid mana base. The latter is actually a tempo deck with a strong early game but a much weaker late game than presented by Deathblade.
c.) UWR Stoneblade - This deck is usually played much more aggressively than Deathblade. It does not pack any acceleration, which mean Deathblade can land Geist first and begin attacking with it sooner. UWR sometimes would have the advantage of the sideboard tech of Price of Progress. This is a beating to Deathblade. Deathblade has the more powerful spells in general but the weaker mana base. So the Deathblade player has to negotiate carefully to be able to play them at the right times.
November 23, 2014 1 p.m.
i like how it talks about geist to show its over a year outdated info....
Deathblade is stoneblade with DRS. Stoneblade refers to Stoneforge Mystic and blade refers to the equipment package, "TrueBlade" is usally UW stoneblade running 4 TNN and multiples jaces, sometimes even top/counterbalance and many more controlling elements like main deck verdict, or an elspeth.
CommanderOfBolas says... #2
Deathrite Shaman is in deathblade
November 23, 2014 12:58 p.m.