I am a Modern and Commander/EDH player trying to get into Legacy; but how?
Legacy forum
Posted on July 23, 2015, midnight by Hashtag-Netdeck
Right now, I am fascinated by the Legacy format and enjoy both combo decks as well as "fair" decks, if you will. Personally, I am interested in "Esper/WUBG Stoneblade", "ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)", and "Doomsday (specifically the Emrakul, the Aeons Torn + Shelldock Isle version)".
I would assume that a lot of people in these forums play Legacy or have knowledge of the Legacy format, so I am optimistic that someone(s) can help me, but right now the biggest problem I have with legacy isn't the variance, the overpowered cards from the '90's, or that I don't like playing against Force of Will, but really the thing keeping me from playing Legacy is the price.
I don't mean to say that they need to reprint Volcanic Island, far from it, but what I am saying is that currently I don't have the time, resources, nor desire to sell my collection to spend 3-Grand just on a mana base.
So to you Legacy spikes, I ask this: Is there a budget alternatives to dual lands? (e.g.: Volcanic Island, Tundra, etc.)
gnarlicide says... #2
I think it does... I will have to look into it, though. It seems fishy...
Ba dum psss
July 26, 2015 1:21 a.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #3
Yes, Legacy Merfolk uses Aether vial. The big things you get from Modern to Legacy are Daze, Force of Will, and True-Name Nemesis. Phantasmal Image becomes awesome in the legacy list too. You could also build an entire Legacy Dredge deck for about $225 if you build Manaless Dredge. The deck is a ton of fun to play and can top 8 bigger events.Here's my list, Who needs any lands when you have a graveyard?.
July 29, 2015 12:11 p.m.
Hashtag-Netdeck says... #4
For now, I'm just gonna play Proxy Legacy. I've decided to proxy the following decks:
July 29, 2015 12:17 p.m.
I'd like to throw in another deck alternative for you to consider, Tin-Fins! I have been playing it for a whie now and it's fairly budget all in all. The ABUR-Duals are nice to have but I started of with 4 Shocks and some basics. Normally I found that it did not really matter if I took extra damage, and that in the games where it did it was only the first dual I fetched that really "needed" to be an ABUR-Dual.
The deck has several different lines to play, sometimes you you ill your opponent on turn1 with Griselbrand+Emmy in combat, or you storm of and do a tendrils kill. Othertimes you dance around counters and such usin your blue card selection to sculpt a hand for the midgame. The nice thing bout the deck is that you can expand it into a standard Reanimator over time by buying more Duals and Force of Will. And since the deck is a storm/reanimator hybrid you can go into ANT/TES from it as well.
TinFins is my take on Tin-Fins where I run a transformational SB with some red cards. I found that I had some trubble with the tempo based decks running Deathrite's ect so I'm trying out Young Pyro's to become something of a tempo/combo deck myself. It's been fun playing so far but might not be the best way to do things. Still it's a lot of fun, and that's what matters. :)
Hashtag-Netdeck says... #1
Seems like a good idea. . . I haven't done any proxying or playtesting yet, ConBurnMadMan, so I will definitely keep note of Merfolk.
Also, question: I know Modern Merfolk does, but does Legacy merfolk play AEther Vial?
July 25, 2015 11:41 p.m.