Is Manaless Dredge viable as a budget legacy deck?

Legacy forum

Posted on Aug. 5, 2013, 9:25 p.m. by 203995014

Legacy is a great and strategy-intensive format, but it is also known for its price. It is a hard format for poor people like me to get into.

Fortunately, budget decks exist in legacy and some of them are established deck archetypes.

However, those budget decks are known to be prone to hate and be very likely to lose because of it. One example is Leyline of Sanctity vs RDW.

I've been looking at Manaless Dredge as a possible budget deck to use. However, is it actually viable as a legacy deck? If not, what are some alternatives?

BTW can anyone explain the sideboard for this deck?

Lessmana Dredge

Devonin says... #2

I assume Blightsteel etc are in there for going against Show and Tell?

August 6, 2013 2:15 a.m.

PotatoPi says... #3

August 6, 2013 7:19 a.m.

LHarmon11123 says... #4

A manaless dredge deck just made top 8 at a star city event. Leyline of the void is a thing, but most people run deathrite, surgical extraction etc as grave hate. The only time you'd see a mas usage of leyline is if there is a surge of manaless dredge decks........which wont happen....because the deck is hilarious....and it's a big glass cannon. However most of the cards can be bought in dollar junk rare bins, or common/uncommon boxes.

As for the sideboard:

2x Angel of Despair=big angry removal dude. That list wins with the attack phase so say your opponent has blazing archon you're screwed.4x Leyline of Sanctity=stops some targeted grave hate, and discard spells. also DRW4x Mindbreak Trap=deals with other combo decks.1x Terastodon=elephants!!!!!!!! plus if you use angel to destroy a creature your bridges will reanimate and you can use nastterasty to get more beaters. It also deals with cards like maze of ith and kor haven.4x Unmask=ummmmm slows other decks down ad can also be used as an awkward discard outlet.

September 15, 2013 6:43 p.m.

LHarmon11123 says... #5

But to answer your question, yes it is a viable option.

Here is a deck tech

September 15, 2013 6:46 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #6

There's also Oops!

Only in Legacy...

Legacy Matsi883

September 21, 2013 8 a.m.

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