Need help understanding the current Legacy Meta-Game
Legacy forum
Posted on July 25, 2015, 5:53 p.m. by Hashtag-Netdeck
I am currently a Modern, EDH/Commander, and on occasion a draft player, and I plan on getting into the Legacy format in the near future.
Right now, I have done extensive study on the Aluren Archetype, and at this point I basically know the deck inside out, forwards and backwards, and I understand any combos, synergies, or wombos in the list.
And that's great!
But anyone can learn how to play one deck; I need to unserstand the Meta. Here's a few links to the lists I've built:
The real one: Competitive Aluren
The "budget" one: "Budget" Aluren
The other Forum-Thread, which basically started this deck: Click here to help this deck!
Anyway, right now I'm worried about control decks, such as Miracles, Grixis, or Stoneblade. Aluren is a 2, sometimes 3 card combo, so Force of Will and Misdirection are the banes of this deck's existence, but not playing a deck because of counterspells is like not playing a creature because it "dies-to-removal".
I haven't proxied out the deck yet, and it will probably be a while until I can buy the fully-optimized list, so I need to do a lot more testing, but I hope that some people in the forums can help me figure out the Meta/Matchups.
Thanks for reading this, and any help is deeply appreciated!
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #4
The best way to learn the meta is have a partner or partners who can play the meta decks against you well. Not everybody is good with all decks. Playing against me on 4-ponder miracles, which is the defining deck in the format right now, will not help you learn the matchup because I'm terrible with the deck. (I don't want to go to time on purpose, thanks.) But I can play combo decks like ANT, TES, Omnitell, or Reanimator well, as well as being a competent pilot for a lot of Edric and Stoneforge decks. Find a group that can cover all of the popular decks, and play together.
You should also be looking at primers and decklists (mtgtop8 is a good place to go for lists, MTGSalvation is usually fine for primers), but there's only so much you can learn through reading and theory. One important thing that people forget very often is to play sideboard games. You play more sideboarded games than non sideboarded ones, but a lot of people completely neglect testing them.
Awesome deck choice by the way. Aluren is one of the most fun decks in the format, and it plays more magic than nearly anything else.
Next_rim says... #2
Meta is pretty simple:
You have Miracles, and you have decks that kill Miracles (Lands, Grixis, Omnitell, ANT/TES), and you have decks that lose to Miracles, but kill decks that are anti-miracles, aka delvers (UWR Delver/mentor, Team America, RUG Delver). Then you have decks that kill delvers and some of the anti-miracles, but lose to Miracles so hard that they can't top8 (Death and Taxes, Elves).
Aluren is a fringe deck that will work because people have never seen it. My personal favorite build of Aluren is BUG(w), with Coiling Oracles, Living Wish and a white splash for Academy Rector + Meddling Mages. Wishboard helps you dump the recruiter package, and run a proper toolbox to help certain matchups. Aluren can prey on Show and Tell matchups, because it can combo off in responce to anything if Aluren itself is in play. If you make it good against Omnitell, you will do ok in the current meta.
July 27, 2015 5:33 a.m.