New to Legacy - What to sideboard?
Legacy forum
Posted on Feb. 16, 2015, 9:57 a.m. by Sparda1127
As the title says, I'm new to legacy and don't know what people play and how to combat it in sideboard.
I'm counting on playing Mono-blue, but I can splash certain colors if I need to. I'd still rather prefer suggestions/explanations that stay mainly within the colors I'm playing.
EndStepTop says... #3
Agreed, but based on what you told us, bring good cards and take out bad ones.
February 16, 2015 10:29 a.m.
Isn't mono-blue just High Tide? In that case, your sideboard is a wishboard so you don't have as much of one as "normal" decks.
February 16, 2015 11:20 a.m.
julianjmoss says... #6
A decklist would be good but I would side in Flusterstorm Back to Basics maybe the counterbalance and top package. Other cards are Null Rod graffdiggers cage
February 16, 2015 12:11 p.m.
My first suggestion is to go take a look at what decks top eighted in the last 10 or so tournaments. Take a look at a tournament organizer like star city games.
There are lots of other good places to look too; like looking at what top eights daily magic the gathering online tournaments.
After you have done that you will know what people tend to play (Elves, Infect, Burn, Storm, Sneak and Show, Dredge, Death and Taxes, Stoneblade and Deathblade tend to be common decks). If you want a direct answer as to what you should play without knowing what you are building I would direct you to this 'blue' deck since it has some reasonable sideboard cards.
February 20, 2015 5:26 p.m.
there are several mono blue decks. omni tell, high tide, there is another one i can't recall the name of that uses a ton of 1 drop creatures and abuses forecase card to tap draw extra on upkeep.... if anyone can help with name?
side board in mono blue is hard b/c most people plan to hate blue. general hate like Null Rod , Back to Basics , Tormod's Crypt, Annul, Vedalken Shackles, Propaganda, leyline of whatever...
February 21, 2015 10:13 a.m.
michaelwkraus says... #10
mono blue? I HIGHLY SUGGEST the "counter spell" package.. Force of Will, Daze, Negate, Spell Pierce, Counterspell.. you need to try to stall your opponent as much as you can... there is a TON of blue hate out there.. Boil, Choke, Thrun, the Last Troll, and Tsunami... you are gonna need to add at least a splash of another help support your main color... as for me, i suggest white, for Swords to Plowshares, Supreme Verdict, and enchantment removal.. again, you need to see what is being played in the tourneys, (local, or national) and most people "net deck" and build the deck that is winning the most.. in my area, delver decks are the big thing... so i built my deck that has a ton of "hate" for that deck... is your best bet to see what is being played...
Boza says... #2
What are you playing? A decklist or at least an archetype will aid us in aiding you.
February 16, 2015 10:14 a.m.