Possibly One of the Most Broken Legacy Decks?
Legacy forum
Posted on June 3, 2013, 2:12 p.m. by CastleSiege
Okay, so a friend of mine saw some decks that gave him an idea to put together this one. He wins on turn 1 with absolutely 0 land in his deck.
Mana Base: 4x Chrome Mox , 4x Lotus Petal , 4x Simian Spirit Guide , 4x Elvish Spirit Guide
Mana Ramps: 4x Dark Ritual , 4x Cabal Ritual
Free Draw Cards: 4x Manamorphose , 4x Gitaxian Probe , 4x Street Wraith
Basically with all of that nonsense he needs at least 4 mana, one of which has to be black. From there he uses either Undercity Informer (and its effect) or Balustrade Spy - with 4 coppies of each it's easy to pull one with all the free card draw. Both of their effects will put his deck into his graveyard if he doesn't have any land (and he doesn't). From there his 4 Narcomoeba hit play due to their effect, and then he sacrifices 3 of them to Dread Return for Angel of Glory's Rise , who brings back humans. He gets back two human wizards: 1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls and 1 Laboratory Maniac .
He also has 4 Summoner's Pact to pull an Elvish Spirit Guide or a Wild Cantor for free.if he still needs that last black mana for one of his two winning black creatures.
CalciferDK says... #3
Seems crazy indeed. But how do he play around Force of Will , Relic of Progenitus and Pithing Needle ? It seems a quite fragile combo even if he can go off turn 1.
June 3, 2013 2:40 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #4
Most broken? A convoluted combo that can be broken with any counter magic, or by simply drawing one of its pieces when it needs them in the yard?
Keep your 7 card hand, turn on draw the Angel of Glory's Rise. Whoops, you lose.
June 3, 2013 2:41 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #5
See, I don't play Legacy competitively. He showed and explained this deck to me and I thought it was really awesome xD That's why I posted it here to see what other people thought about it.
June 3, 2013 2:44 p.m.
CalciferDK says... #6
Well if its for casual play its viable.. But it seems quite tiresome to play against, or even with after the first couple of games. Like playing solitaire..
June 3, 2013 2:49 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #7
Yeah, I can see how it would be tiring to play against an insta-win deck all the time.
June 3, 2013 2:50 p.m.
CalciferDK says... #8
But also against a constantly losing deck with no interaction..
I don't know really.. I guess it boils down to personal preference.. I just dont see the fun in playing turn 1win combo in casual.
June 3, 2013 2:55 p.m.
Your friend just made All Spells, a newer legacy combo deck that folds to Force of Will . It, along with Belcher and Tin Fins make up the turn 1 legacy combo win decks. They suck because they aren't consistent enough to go off all of the time, and can simply fold to having bad hands.
June 3, 2013 4:56 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #10
Steal all his cards, then watch him throw himself off a bridge.
Fate well deserved for buying 4 black lotuses.
June 3, 2013 5:34 p.m.
captainjash says... #12
TurboFagoot The deck would run at least 2 Cabal Therapy which could either be cast for free via the 4th narcomoeba, or hard cast one were a therapy drawn since the deck could produce 5 mana well enough. It goes without saying that the player would be targeting themselves and targeting a "combo piece" such as the Angel you mentioned.
June 3, 2013 8:20 p.m.
captainjash says... #13
Virlym Good points, however this deck runs a sideboard of 4 Goblin Charbelcher , 4 Lion's Eye Diamond , and 4 Pact of Negation ; turning it into a sub-par turn 1 belcher deck. You would just side-out the "combo" cards like the moebas, dread return, wizards, etc.
June 3, 2013 8:21 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #14
Oh, so you put yourself at a huge disadvantage ditching two cards to their zero? Throwing away, by the way, the one way you can lure out their counter magic.
The deck is fragile, and bad.
June 3, 2013 8:23 p.m.
captainjash says... #15
TurboFagoot, I'm not sure you understand. In your example you say the deck is broken as soon as you draw a combo piece. But with the rest of your deck in the graveyard, you would Cabal Therapy to put that combo piece into the graveyard (by paying B or 1 narcomoeba) before you set the Dread Return / Angel of Glory's Rise combo into play.
Plus card advantage doesn't really matter if your goal is to win on the first turn. The whole idea is to win before they can do something, and would then have to rely on things like the Force of Will and other free counters others have brought up. Heck this deck usually wins with 0 cards in hand.
The Therapys could be used offensively, but the deck runs 2 of them as an "oops, I drew a combo piece". I do agree that the deck is a little fragile, but it's not necessarily -bad-, especially if the builder has fun playing with it.
June 3, 2013 8:29 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #16
I've run this deck before. It's not uncommon to be going off, cycling your many free draws, and end up hitting two Narcomoebas, which then makes it impossible for you to win. The deck does so much drawing, that relying on hitting one of two cards, with enough mana to cast it and combo off is not enough insurance when hitting a piece prematurely.
That's why this deck is not tier 1, it's just bad.
June 3, 2013 8:37 p.m.
captainjash says... #17
However I do agree that this is probably not THE most broken deck in Legacy. It is fast and pretty unexpected, especially if your opponent is going second and isn't running "free" counters, but that being said, free counters turn into free wins against this deck. Force of Will , Pact of Negation , Foil , Mindbreak Trap , just to name a few.
June 3, 2013 8:38 p.m.
captainjash says... #18
I do agree on that point. Pulling two Narcomoebas before you can drop one of the deck-killers does stop the deck, but in my experience it's a bit less common to pick up 2/4 Narcomoebas than it is to get 1/8 of the deck-killers.
June 3, 2013 8:43 p.m.
captainjash says... #19
Well, I guess if you could find room for 2 Bridge from Below you could remedy the "oh no I drew 2 Narcomoebas" problem.. Just use one of the Narcomoebas in play to pay for a Cabal Therapy and get your 2 free Zombie tokens, leaving three creatures for Dread Return .
The point still stands though, this deck is quite a gamble.. But hey, if you're building a deck who's only goal is to win on turn 1, shouldn't there be a high level of risk involved? That's what's great about Magic, there are very few "perfect" decks that have absolutely no weaknesses; there's always a way to stop something.
June 3, 2013 8:58 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #20
This deck goes back and forth between being pretty good and not so great, depending heavily on what people are bringing in their sideboards to hate against its strategies. Whenever the format comes around to a situation where graveyard decks or early-game combo decks are in a bit of a lull and people don't worry about them too much, then this deck has a much better chance of logging wins.
I like it a lot and I think it's a really cool idea.
June 4, 2013 2:03 p.m.
Using Lion's Eye Diamond as another mana source could also ensure that you can discard any cards that need to be in the grave for your win condition... once you're casting one of the 8 win cards (Undercity Informer / Balustrade Spy ), you shouldn't need to have any cards in hand... so one Lion's Eye Diamond , one of the 8 combo trigger cards, and one of any other mana production, ensures that you can get everything into your grave and not your hand.
Gitaxian Probe and Cabal Therapy should be enough to let you know about and/or deal with any Force of Will 's or Mindbreak Trap 's to worry about.
I would say use only 2-3 Summoner's Pact / Wild Cantor , and ensure you have the Lion's Eye Diamond , Cabal Therapy and Bridge from Below 's as needed.
So now there's just Leyline of the Void , or Tormod's Crypt to worry about. 2 cards that they could sideboard in, and must have in their opening hand (and for Tormod's Crypt they have to be going first). - So if you won game one, they will be first game 2 and if they are lucky will get a stopper... you are then first game 3, so now only Leyline of the Void can stop you... so you've gotten to your sideboard twice... something as simple as 4x Wear / Tear in your sideboard can possibly take care of either Leyline of the Void or Tormod's Crypt ... even if you have to wait till T2 to go off in order to stop the Tormod's Crypt /Leyline of the Void , you can still get around it.
...Yeah!... I think this deck can be more viable than most people are giving it credit.
June 7, 2013 10:42 a.m.
Crappy legacy deck is crappy. There are certain conditions that need to be met in your opening hand unlike some other storm decks, and it dies to stupid things like Force of Will , Mindbreak Trap , Flusterstorm , etc...
June 9, 2013 9:20 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #24
Pact of Negation or his own Force of Will s could protect the combo pieces. In fact, insuring the combo going off on turn 2 with counter magic backup would be a very viable strategy. I've seen Storm and Hive Mind decks do something very similar. It's a neat idea!
June 14, 2013 11:53 p.m.
solringlotuspetal says... #25
I'm building a deck that can win on turn one I use one Swamp a Dark Ritual Sol Ring Lotus Petal Seething Song a goblin Bushwhacker and a Empty the Warrens
February 24, 2014 3:15 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #26
Haha, why are you reviving an 8 month old thread? I was just starting to get into legacy when I posted this.
February 24, 2014 4:05 p.m.
@solringlotuspetal: Legacy is an Eternal format with a long list of banned cards. Eternal formats are those that don't have cards rotate out and all non-silver bordered, non-ante cards are legal. For more information, look at Legacy Deck Construction on WotC's website.
Second, Sol Ring is banned in Legacy, so you can't actually do that. Sol Ring is only legal in Commander and Vintage, the other two Eternal formats.
Third, please don't post in old threads. You might want to try making a new thread, since that will get more feedback and help you find answers quicker.
February 25, 2014 7:15 a.m.
LordOfMishap says... #32
Sky Nomad: No Land Required (1st turn kill) I built it out of curiosity and it runs pretty well. Suggestions are welcome.
February 28, 2014 10:54 p.m.
This seems like a less competitive version manaless dredge, which has the same idea but a lot more consistency than this
April 6, 2014 7:09 p.m.
it had a 2nd place in scg open, and it wins turn 1, which avoids a lot of GY hate that people can draw into against dredge
April 6, 2014 8:54 p.m.
julianjmoss says... #35
Its already a deck called "oops all spells", it loses to any counter/ form or removal, anti-combo, or leyline of the void. sorry but its not anything new
April 10, 2014 9:22 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #36
This thread is almost a year old... obviously it's nothing new. My friend made this deck when I was fairly new to the game and I thought I'd share it on here.
Why do people keep posting on an ancient thread?
April 11, 2014 12:01 a.m.
Ulfbrodhir says... #38
This is already a deck called Oops! All spells. It's a lower-tier Legacy deck because of the lack of interaction aside from, generally, thoughtseize effects, and even then it does't usually have room for more than 4-5 without removing some seriously important cards. Unlike Storm, this deck automatically loses if one of the cards is countered. Dread Return , for example, can only be triggered once by Narcomoeba s, and as a one-of anyway there's really nothing it can do. It also doesn't generate excess mana for countering Spell Pierce or Daze , so in general it just kindof falls flat to any deck playing blue spells. Its only upside is that it's a strange deck, so most decks aren't sure how to deal with it game one. As long as it goes off G1, you basically win. However, it gets EXTREMELY bad post-board, because most decks have graveyard hate like Rest in Peace or Grafdigger's Cage , as well as Leyline of the Void or Relic of Progenitus .
In general, the deck just isn't all that good in the Legacy format. If Goblins and Elves were more prevalent, this deck could have some serious power.
Virlym says... #2
Right, he then scoops to a game starting with Leyline of the Void or a Tormod's Crypt ? Or a Force of Will or Mindbreak Trap on Dread Return ? Because of Dredge and Storm decks out there, there will be a lot of hate for this. It might get a game 1 win, but afterwards it will be fairly tough to stabilize.
June 3, 2013 2:40 p.m.