Siege Rhino in Legacy?
Legacy forum
Posted on Feb. 21, 2015, 3:16 p.m. by aeonstoremyliver
So we know that Rhino is a tank in Modern. But what about in Legacy? Is it impactful enough at 4CMC? Lifegain doesn't matter as much in Legacy in Modern, thus begs the question of viability.
What are your thoughts?
No deck really wants it. Nic fit would probably play it if not for it being 3 colours
February 21, 2015 3:22 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #4
Nic Fit has hella mana fixing and ramp, not to mention Birthing Pod. Interesting point, tho.
This was the start of a lengthy conversion of some friends of mine. Do divulge, with detail please.
February 21, 2015 3:28 p.m.
It probably IS playable in nic fit. They want to play blue over white for the most part though. I'm sure it isn't bad in the deck, probably not worth the splash though.
February 21, 2015 3:35 p.m.
julianjmoss says... #6
I play nic fit and it's fine as long as you are playing the birthing pod recurring nightmare package. It's not incredibly impactful though
February 21, 2015 3:53 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #7
The thing with Nic Fit is that the cards you play just don't matter. You're playing a shell that can shit out any 4-6 cmc creature you want it to, probably more. Thragtusk, Obstinate Baloth, Siege Rhino, Kalonian Hydra (The 4/4 for 5, whatever the name is), these creatures are all pretty much the same in their ability to impact the board/end the game.
Nic Fit isn't even a good deck in legacy, but saying something is playable "in Nic Fit" is a borderline meaningless statement.
February 21, 2015 4:08 p.m.
I run it as a 3 of in nic fit, i dont have any issue's mana fixing with only 20 land.
it's insanely good in fair matchups (delver, d and t, etc), awful in combo match ups and definitely sided out among the first things.
February 21, 2015 5:22 p.m.
Make of it what you will, but SCG's Bennie Smith plans on running 4 in the Legacy portion of the next SCG Invitational.
February 21, 2015 6:01 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #10
Alright. Mediocre player running four of it in Legacy. Great argument.
EmblemMan says... #2
no just no
February 21, 2015 3:18 p.m.