thoughts on Sylvan offering in elves
Legacy forum
Posted on April 6, 2015, 6:53 p.m. by nfcnorth
As some one who plays an elf commander deck (freyalise) I have noticed that Sylvan Offering allows me to do a lot of disgusting plays. Combined it with Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania or Heritage Druid (which are all cards playable in legacy elves) and suddenly you have a crap ton of mana with a bunch of dudes. Oh and did I mention how dumb it is with Gaea's Cradle? Because then things just get silly fast. I also hear Craterhoof Behemoth is a thing that likes you having a bunch of dudes in play and it is certinaly possible to play Sylvan Offering and either Natural Order for the behemoth or maybe even hard cast him in the same turn thanks to any of the cards I listed above. Or you can always wait a turn for a practically guaranteed kill.
So what do you guys think about the card legacy playable or nay? I see it as a card that certainly has potential but I don't play legacy much (if at all) so I might be missing something that makes this card not as good as I am thinking.
jandrobard says... #3
It's win-more. It doesn't do much if your combo is floundering, and the only times it helps are when you'd win anyway. Like with with Craterhoof Behemoth. And for the synergy, you spend X mana, then Heritage Druid, Gaea's Cradle, or one Elvish Archdruid or Priest of Titania will not get positive mana. The only reason I can think of that it should be added is Regal Force.
April 6, 2015 10:28 p.m.
michaelwkraus says... #4
no... elves win con is usually Natural Order and Progenitus on turn 3
April 8, 2015 7:17 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #6
What elves deck runs grapeshot? Progenitus/ruric that are brought in from the SB. Main board win is mostly just C hoof. Or creature swarm.
April 8, 2015 7:30 p.m.
jandrobard says... #7
I don't stay current on legacy, but last time I checked, it was consistently a 1 of in the MB for situations like Island Sanctuary.
April 8, 2015 7:34 p.m.
There's also the occasional Moat and Ensnaring Bridge. Or even Glacial Chasm in Lands (although you'd need something other than Grapeshot to deal with it).
You don't really see Storm cards get boarded in anymore much in Legacy Elves since Deathrite Shaman was printed. On top of that, the deck also gets Abrupt Decay, Flusterstorm, Krosan Grip, Nature's Claim, and Thoughtseize. It's easier to play those and have answers vs. a multitude of cards than it is to try and go with a combo route.
April 9, 2015 7:53 a.m.
I'm running 2 Behemoth mainboard, and Progenitus and Worldspine Wurm in the sideboard. Sometimes I feel like not having Progenitus mainboard is wrong... and then you draw him in sideboard games and realize that yea, you don't want him main.
The ruric thar elves deck runs him as a crutch and as a 61st mainboard card in a 76 card deck. It can be a bomb, but it's also encouraging poor play.
Elves doesn't play Archdruid or Priest either. I mean, i'm sure some lists do, but the better Elves players, like Ross Merriam and Reid Duke don't.
As far as Sylvan Offering goes.... definitely a no. Giving your opponent's free creatures is a bad idea. It's kind of annoying how many games you have to win with just no-hoof beatdown. This would just make matters worse.
EndStepTop says... #2
No, elves would rather cast Natural Order then cast this, or GSZ for a creature. Giving your opponent the creatures can be a game loss, offering only marginal advantage.
April 6, 2015 6:57 p.m.