Archenemy Cube
Limited forum
Posted on March 10, 2017, 6:58 a.m. by Boza
I saw that a new archenemy is upcoming and this got the gears rolling - how do you create an archenemy cube?
The main goal is an asymetrical 1v3 experience, useful for cube enthusiasts who cannot gather 8 people regularly (or at all).
General rules
Stick to original Archenemy (AE) rules - AE starts with 40 life, while 3 Heroes (H) start with 20 life each. H take their turn simultaneously, but AE fights back with nefarious "Schemes"
Cube size is for 6 players (270 cards), but is drafted by 4 players, 3 H and 1 AE.
Drafting the AE Cube
The drafting proceeds like this - AE has 9 packs in front of him/her, while each H has the normal 3. AE will draft three cards - one from each booster in succession, then pass each booster he/she drafted from to a H of his/her choice. The H will pass all their boosters to the AE after have taken a card.
For each round of draft, H will have some kind of token (a coin or something with two faces). They may flip that token to pass their booster to a teammate, instead of the AE. If the Heroes use their Defiance, the AE will pass them only two boosters, instead of three. Heroes may use this not more than 1 once per pick. Use of this token is refreshed at the start of each draft round.
The "Scheme" Deck:
The scheme deck will be organized as such: of the 135 cards drafted by the AE, the AE will make two decks - one 60-card deck for normal play (with basics and such) and 1 scheme deck, consisting of 30 cards from the rest of the pool.
The scheme deck is created by the archenemy with cards from their pool and shuffled before the game. Every upkeep of the AE, they will turn over a card.
If the card is a land, it is put immediately into play tapped. If the card is a non-land permanent, the AE suspends it for 3 turns. If the card is not a permanent, the AE simply draws it (in addition to his/her normal draw).
Winning the game:
- The game ends when all H lose (AE win), when AE loses and at least one H survies (all H win) or when the scheme deck runs out (all H win).
Additional notes:
I have opted out of the Scheme cards because:
Yes, I purposfully excluded scheme cards because:
a/ They are useless outside the format.
b/ Schemes feel too foreign and contrived in a game of Magic.
c/ Giant cards mess up normal cube storage options and are cumbersome.
d/ I have never played archenemy, but enjoy the asymetrical 1v3 aspect of it, it provides unique cube building options.
Would you play this kind of format?
Yes, I purposfully excluded scheme cards because:
a/ They are useless outside the format.
b/ Schemes feel too foreign in a game of Magic.
c/ Giant cards mess up normal cube storage options and are cumbersome.
d/ I have never played archenemy, but enjoy the asymetrical 1v3 aspect of it, it provides unique cube building options. This is what the idea is focused on.
That is why I want to reproduce the idea of schemes with normal cards.
I will edit the original post a bit.
March 10, 2017 8:31 a.m. Edited.
While I acknowledge your points for excluding the Schemes, I still agree with Argeaux in the belief that this is a mistake. While using normal cards makes things easier for cube construction and storage, it doesn't really create the same gameplay experience. But, directly responding to your points:
A: The fact that Schemes are usleless outside of Archenemy is literally the perfect reason to find more uses for them, ie an Archenemy Cube.
B: They're cards... but bigger. Planechase uses big cards too, and it's been well received following the Anthology reprinting them more to be more available.
C: I'm sure there are relatively simple methods of storing giant cards alongside a cube. Not a full Planechase deck, perhaps, but there's what, 35 Schemes in total, with 20 more coming in June? And you don't even necessarily have to cube with them, just make a well-rounded 20 that the AE always gets.
D: I think, for people who have played Archenemy, they will find this a fun concept, but barely comparable. The gameplay experience will not be the same. It is the Schemes that make Archenemy unique and wacky, not what essentially amounts to a second, more convoluted, draw step.
March 10, 2017 9:15 p.m.
"Schemes feel too foreign in a game of Magic."
Not in a game of Archenemy Magic.
I mean you can try drafting that way but to answer your question no, I would not play that kind of format.
It does not sound like a fun Archenemy experience to me.
March 11, 2017 2:52 a.m.
Ok, that is exactly the feedback I wanted! Perhaps I will try out the new archenemy product once it comes out and revise the idea.
Thanks guys!
March 11, 2017 4 a.m.
Once you've played Archenemy you will understand what we are talking about.
Since it is 1 vs 3, the Schemes help to set up almost impossible situations for the Opponents of the Archenemy.
People have to really work well as a team to take the Archenemy down. The games can become quite epic.
Argy says... #2
So the Archenemy won't be using actual Scheme cards?
If that is so, I think that is a big mistake. Those are what shifts the power balance to the Archenemy and makes the whole thing work.
I would make the Cube 180 cards, to be drafted by three people plus the Archenemy, and have the Archenemy create a 60 card deck from these with this proviso - no one gets first pick of any pack. The Archenemy takes first pick then distributes the packs among the other players.
Make sure you put some REALLY strong cards in there for the Archenemy to grab.
Then the Archenemy also uses a Scheme deck, as per normal.
March 10, 2017 7:54 a.m.