Conclusions from Prereleases

Limited forum

Posted on March 22, 2015, 6:52 p.m. by JohnnyBaggins

Hey everyone,
Just came back from playing my five prereleases. Now, I wonder what did my fellow Limiters find? What did you like? What did you hate? What's a thing, what was a disappointment to you?

Here's my pieces of the pies:

- Exploit is a strong, strong mechanic. The versatility is amazing.
- The dash deck is a thing. I would be anything but surprised to see RB Dash Decks win FNN drafts every once in a while.
- Drafting off-clan might be very, very nice. You most likely get some easy access to the FRF-Fixlands while everyone bashes their heads in for the on-clan fix lands, while you still can build absurdly synergistic decks.
- The Rare-Slot is very weird. There are absurd bombs which are so absurd that the absurdity couldn't be any more absurd, so to mention Dragonlord Kolaghan and Dragonlord Dromoka, who easily win each game they enter the battlefield, but also other stuff which you just do not want to open. First-Picking Commons will be not unlikely ince per draft, I'd say.
- Some of the commons are bind-twistingly strong. Ambuscade Shaman or Pacifiscm are so strong, I'm happy first picking them. There's some really nice synergies within Fate and Dragons. Combining Ambuscade Shaman, Blood-Chin Rager and Mardu Strike Leader reads like an instant win.

That's about it for now. What did you find? I'm a fan of DTK Limited already.

Epochalyptik says... #2

You should contribute to the featured discussion on this topic if you haven't already.

March 22, 2015 7:29 p.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #3

Yea, I realized that too late. You can close this one, thanks!

March 22, 2015 7:32 p.m.

This discussion has been closed