Conspiracy Cube?

Limited forum

Posted on Feb. 1, 2015, 2:58 p.m. by ExpectDragons

Considering saving up for a box of conspiracy and using it as a mock cube as obviously it's geared towards draft and multiplayer play. Also there will more than likely be another edition which i can use to add to it etc and the boxes pretty cheap to pick up.

Would this work and be enjoyable? How many players could i support from one box?

lemmingllama says... #2

Conspiracy is a blast to draft, so I bet it would go well. As for players, there are 36 packs, so that would support 12 people.

February 1, 2015 3:45 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #3

plus i guess i could pick up some of the more key cards that i don't crack from the box such as Dack Fayden and just swap out the less exiting rare's mythics for them and as mentioned if there's another conspiracy set i can just mash the best of both together :)

February 1, 2015 4:19 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #4

Oh look, another Conspiracy Cube-ist starting with a booster box of said set!

Yes it would work! The set is super fun already and structured well and spiced up with your own cards it's a hoot. I'm going to give some advice on how I did/didn't build mine and see what you think.

1) Now unlike Cube which is normally a singleton construct, I had two of every common, sometimes three. You'll want some cards with more copies than the rest (notably Screaming Seahawk and Howling Wolf) to make use of the Conspiracies. For the Conspiracies themselves, For the uncommons I only had one copy each, but I'd reinforce the ulticoloured uncommons (Marchesa's Smuggler, Extract from Darkness) with another copy or an uncommon of a similar type and identical colour to reinforce the "archetypes" Conspiracy has (such as Blue/Red dethrone and U/B reanimator)

2) When adding new cards (especially at common if you put in multiples), pick ones that go well with the archetypes. I put in for example Deranged Assistant, which was fabby for the aforentioned Blue/Black reanimator archetype. Conspiracy has a draft strategy for each two-colour pair and this is well docuented in this link:

I've found with drafting 2 copies of each common and 1 of each uncommon means the unique mechanics like Dethrone and Will of the Council don't pop up all that uch. You ay consider bumping up the count there.

3) For uncommons and especially rares and mythics..go wild! I myself played up the multiplayer aspect of the format with cards from the Commander releases with cards like Diviner Spirit and Mystic Barrier. I even used my pulled Marchesa, the Black Rose as an excuse to slash out to make a cycle of tri-coloured mythic legendaries including Sydri, Galvanic Genius (fabulous with all the Cogwork creatures) and Gahiji, Honored One (dan dem politics).

Of course, I imagine others have had different experiences with their Conspiracy cubes and y observations building and owning one are not a be-all and end-all.

February 1, 2015 5:12 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #5

that sounds like something i'd try for sure :)

February 1, 2015 6:15 p.m.

jandrobard says... #6

You, sir, are a genius.

February 5, 2015 8:29 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #7

I can buy a box for sixty eight pounds but i could probably find one a bit cheaper on a UK trade group i'm member of, getting boxes that low is ridiculously good value. This is certainly an affordable and accessible way for those who don't have the draft experience to build their own cube like myself.

February 6, 2015 12:46 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #8

well i've got my conspiracy cube up and running and the box was excellent! just eight cards paid for the box including Dack Fayden, a foil Misdirection (although when i pulled it i had no idea of it's value lol) with five mythics overall :) It's all sleeved up in dragon shields and i bought the new Ultra Pro Mox Cub3 to keep it in. Holds 900 double sleeved but with mine being single sleeved i've got enough room to hold my two EDH decks and modern which is nice, this also includes the 300 basic land & tokens.

Drafting it this monday and again the following week, recorded a box opening for it which i'm currently uploading :) When i get the time i'll begin listing the cube on my profile so you can have a better look at it all. Overall i'm really happy with how it's turned out especially as it was my first booster box!

On a side note i've got my name down for a box of Modern Master 2015 so fingers crossed i'll be able to crack that open and cube it as well! Also i'm quite confident the Mox Cub3 could hold both the conspiracy & modern masters cube side by side along with the basic land as long as it stays single sleeved. So at this point i certainly recommend the product! Only thing being it's designed to sit not he shelf, not portable so i'm looking at my options since it's very heavy with all the cards in there. The shape makes finding a solution difficulty but an amp carry case is likely the best option, something to keep in mind.

March 28, 2015 6:52 p.m.

Thanimal says... #9

My girl friend and I did just that. We are going to be playing the sleeved cube for the first time tonight!

April 1, 2015 3:19 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #10

the draft went great! only six of us made it but we all drafted as one pod and decided to play a couple big games together. Worked a treat! the games were very balanced and competitive, life totals going up and down across the table influencing dethrone attacks which was particularly crucial with marchassa in play. Dack fadein hit the board game two and went ultimate :o

first thing i'm going to do is swap out the vanilla commons for creature's that have the same casting cost such as the Pillarfield Ox. fought i'd swap it out for Sanctum Gargoyle as i quite like how it'll interact with the construct draft cards.

April 1, 2015 3:30 p.m.

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