Drafting Oath of the Gatewatch

Limited forum

Posted on Feb. 18, 2016, 6:44 p.m. by PTsmitty

I will be going to a draft tomorrow night and was wondering what the consensus is about drafting with this block. I believe the draft format will be Oath-Oath-Battle so hopefully things go smoothly. Is there a particular color that I should be targeting? Would Allys be a good route if there are good options available. Any commons or uncommons people have found to be very valuable in limited? What success have you all had? Just looking for some advice. Thanks

GreenGhost says... #2

W/B allies is one of the strongest decks. If you are seeing Oblivion Strike 4th pick then black is open and you should go hard into it. Ondu War Cleric and Vampire Envoy are all star commons for this deck and unlike other decks in the format can function on just commons and uncommons alone. All-Stars in other colors are Saddleback Lagac, Seed Guardian and Nissa's Judgment also Tajuru Pathwarden is also very solid. Reality Hemorrhage is obviously very good and Zada's Commando is ok. Sweep Away and Roiling Waters are all blue really has by way pf removal and the creatures leave much to be desired. Isolation Zone is very solid as is Relief Captain The colors by way of power as I would rank them are W, B, U/G and R at the bottom. Blue and green are kinda tied. The top four decks are defiantly W/B Grindy Allies, W/G Support, R/W Aggro, and R/U Surge. Surge is a hard deck to draft, but done well it is rewarding.

February 18, 2016 7:11 p.m.

Green beatsticks is strong. Best removal is Isolation Zone and Oblivion Strike.

Dailymtg.com published an article by LSV (Louis Scott Vargas) about OGW Draft earlier this week. I highly suggest reading that.

February 18, 2016 7:20 p.m.

Chubbub says... #4

I disagree with GreenGhost, I think red is much better than blue. Boulder salvo is obviously very strong and Zadas commando and hemorrhage are also good. Everything else he said was accurate though, except I think the colors go white black red/green then blue coming in last. Colorless should be treated as a third splash color.

February 18, 2016 8:09 p.m.

GreenGhost says... #5

Fair enough I just dislike the lack of solid common creatures in red and I would only edge blue ahead of red because of Reflector Mage and having slightly better removal albeit at higher rarities. To each their own though.

February 18, 2016 8:20 p.m.

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