Drafting with 6plp?

Limited forum

Posted on March 7, 2017, 10:01 a.m. by Fr0sty11

Alright so me and a couple friends are doing a booster draft.

We only have 6 plp. I know 8 is ideal but we don't have those numbers.

So what is the best format you think for 6 plp? We all enjoy magic but aren't super competitive or super serious so whatever gives us the most fun i think would be best.

We are gonna buy 1 booster box

1st question out of the gate. A booster box comes with 36 packs.. Couldn't we theoretically do 2 seperate drafts out of the same box.?

How to play after we draft?

Do you suggest teams?

Do you suggest everyone plays everyone once and overall best record is the winner(if there is a tie play it out)

Do you suggest doing a Tournament bracket style?

If you think we should go with teams i will need some more info on how best to set up the draft and what not as i have never done teams.

We plan on divinding up cards we one during the draft one of these 2 ways.

Everyone writes down the rares and foils they open and then keeps the uncommons and Commons they draft but at the end of the day they get the foils and rares they opened even if they didn't draft them.

All foils and rare are out back on the table after the day is over and 1st place gets first choice. Then 2nd place and then on and on. (Commons and uncommons you draft you keep)

So what advice can you give me with 6 plp?

and do we draft twice with 1 box or give out the other packs as prizes or everyone just gets 3 packs at the end of the day.

Thanks for your help.

Boza says... #2

  1. What box are you buying?
  2. If you want to do two drafts, just get 4 more boosters from anywhere of that set and you are good to go.
  3. With six people, I think it is best to do 3v3 drafts. Divide up into Teams A and B. Sit around the draft table in the order ABABAB (no teammates passing to each other).
  4. You can even make it a rule that you can combine draft pools with other teammembers.
  5. Play games 1v1. Ech match is the standard 2 out of 3 games.
  6. Whichever team wins at least 2 of the matches is the winner for that round.
  7. Repeat until everybody has played everybody else.
March 7, 2017 11:22 a.m.

ojmandias says... #3

So, you can't do 2 drafts. You would need a minimum of 3 packs per player for a draft, which would be 18 packs. I suggest, drafting 4 packs each and then using the remaining 8 packs as the prize pool. You keep what you draft. Thats the simplest and most efficient way to do it imo.

March 7, 2017 11:23 a.m.

Ryjo says... #4

What box are you getting that only has 32 packs? Non-Master booster boxes should have 36 packs per box, which is just enough to get off 2 drafts with 6 people.

March 7, 2017 12:02 p.m.

Fr0sty11 says... #5

Ryjo typo... I meant to type 36

March 7, 2017 12:45 p.m.

Fr0sty11 says... #6


1.one of these 3. Khans of tarkir, conspiracy:take the crown, kaladesh

2.why do i need 4 more booster. 36 packs split evenly 18 and 18(6x3)? Just for prizes,? 4. So you mean after we draft (blindly) then when we split off to make our 40 card deck.. The 3 players that are on the same team can get together and swap cards to make 3 strong decks?

Thanks for help so far

March 7, 2017 1:08 p.m.

Ryjo says... #7

2) It was implied you needed 4 more boosters was because you said you were getting 32 packs.

4) If drafting as teams, you can combine your pool with your teammates to build 3 40 card decks with. Otherwise each player would make their own deck.

March 7, 2017 1:17 p.m.

Boza says... #8

You can do two drafts with 6 people from 1 single booster box.

Out of those three options, in terms of fun: Number 1 is conspiracy. Number 2 is khans, and kaladesh is 3. If you draft Conspiracy, remember it is meant to be a multiplayer-focused set. Draft it, then split into 2 pods of 3 people.

Conspiracy is a bit difficult to draft, but rewarding nontheless. Kaladesh is more coherent and easy, but Khans offers 3-color support and more $$$ posibilities with fetches and whatnot.

March 7, 2017 3:41 p.m.

Fr0sty11 says... #9


Thanks for breaking each set down.

When you say conspiracy is meant for multiplayer you mean. We draft and break into 2 pods of plp and all sit at the same table and the A team attacks the B team until there is 1 player left and then that team wins? Like explained here http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/multiplayer-rules-2004-07-12

If that's the case what do you think about this option.

I suspect we will do another booster draft soon after our first.

So what if for the first booster draft.

1)get a box of khans

2) Booster draft 18 packs and do that draft tournament style. Either round Robin or double elimination(any opinions?)

3) Winner of that gets a pre determined prize

4) booster draft the other 18 packs and do that team style. A,B,A,B,A,B. (like you described above)

5)Winning team gets a pre determined reward

6) next month we buy a conspiracy box

7) Try out multiplayer format

What our your thoughts on that idea?

March 7, 2017 7:03 p.m.

Boza says... #10

All of the above are valid ideas, if you enjoy the drafting, do more of it.

I meant that conspiracy is meant to played with more than 2 people in one game. If you are six people, 2 pods of 3 people free-for-all multiplayer is the best way to enjoy Conspiracy.

March 8, 2017 2:29 a.m.

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