Fate Reforged Sealed Deck Generator

Limited forum

Posted on Jan. 10, 2015, 3:29 a.m. by copperdogma

Hey all. I've created another Sealed Deck Card Generator so you can generate the seeded booster, 5 random Fate Reforged boosters, one Khans of Tarkir booster, and Ugin's Fate Booster, exactly like you'd get in a pre-release.

Caveats:- The details on what's in a seeded booster is sketchy. I basically did this: - 1: Main card. This is wrong. There are 8 clan prerelease promo cards, one of which is the Dragon, and this slot is one of those 8. But I don't know what eight they're using so I'm just picking one of the Mythic or Rare cards from that clan for now. - 2: Runemark. Why? KTK had a Banner here so in this one I chose the Runemark, which each clan has in FRF. Might be wrong. I'll update it if it is. - The rest of the cards are drawn from a pool of your chosen clan plus cards of a non-clan affiliation that include your clan colours. e.g.: Abzan clan cards + any non-clan cards that include white, blue, or green costs (Abzan clan colours): - 2: rare - 3-5: uncommon - 6-16: common

I used the exact same percent chances as my previous generators. If the frequency of anything has changes since then let me know and I'll adjust it.

In addition to the prerelease simulator it also includes a view of all cards, just boosters, fat packs, and prerelease promo cards (none released yet).

I'll re-post when all cards have been added.

I've also moved domains! It used to be on copper-dog.com. The link for this set is:


Anyway, enjoy!


Hjaltrohir says... #2

Thank you so much for doing this, really appeciate it!

On a second note, did you know that an alternate art Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is available in Ugin's Fate packs? I heard it somewhere and it seems legit

January 10, 2015 3:34 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #3

Also, did you add in the possibility of getting a fetchland in the basic land slot?

January 10, 2015 3:35 a.m.

copperdogma says... #4

Heya.. Yeah I heard EVERY card available (40) in the Ugin booster are (alternate art). We just don't know which cards or what they look like yet.

And yeah, the first slot of the FRF boosters is 50/50 a basic land or a fetchland.

January 10, 2015 3:45 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #5

Thanks copperdogma

January 10, 2015 7:20 a.m.

pskinn01 says... #6

You also have a chance to pull one of the dual lands also in the land slot.

January 10, 2015 10:34 p.m.

copperdogma says... #7

True! Someone on Reddit pointed that out. I've changed it so you have a 7/8 chance of getting a FRF Dual Land and a 1/8 chance of getting a KTK Fetch Land. I made it those odds because the Duals are common and the Fetches are rare, and that's the normal common to rare ratio, so I figured it was a good guess.

January 11, 2015 1:20 a.m.

copperdogma says... #8

If you want to sign up for updates you can now do so on the website or here.

January 12, 2015 11:43 p.m.

copperdogma says... #9

Now updated to include far more accurate prerelease seeded boosters. Good luck!

January 17, 2015 1:55 a.m.

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